
Heartworm Treatment For Cats

As most pet owners already know, heartworm treatment for cats and dogs isn’t the same. Never, under any circumstances, should you give your cat heartworm treatment that is designed for a dog – or vice versa. Even though you may own both dogs and cats, you should always give them medicine that is designed for their species. No matter how…

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Broken Legs Are Serious Risks For Italian Greyhounds

We have two Italian Greyhounds (affectionately referred to as IG’s). Dixie was two when we brought Yankee home. I read that IG’s are happier with another animal and thought that another IG would be half as much trouble and twice as much fun. After a few days of establishing a pack order the two became great friends. For those not…

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Glyconutrients My Personal Story

How could this be happening? Our dog (Storm) just received her one year checkup in June and was given a clean bill of health. In shock by the news, we refused to put Storm down and defied the recommendation of our vet oncologist. What followed could only be described as a long exhaustive internet and phone search for cancer alternatives…

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Protecting Cats From Cancer

Cancer does not just affect human beings, cats can also be prone to the ill affects of this deadly disease. I have a cat who is called Pip and in this article I will be writing about my families experience in protecting her from cancer, which the vet has informed us, has ultimately saved and prolonged her life. Pip is…

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How Important Is Pet Dental Care

Dental care is an important part of caring for your pet. Just like humans – dogs have teeth that can cause problems if they are not cared for with a proper dental routine. You may have already noticed, but dogs can suffer from bad breath just like humans can. Your vet is an important part of this dental care. Ask…

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Your Cat S First Vet Visit

So you’ve got a new cat, and she needs a checkup. On your first vet visit, your vet will take the lead and give you some basic information, and probably will go through a fairly standard routine. Upwards of 90% of the information you need, however, will be based on the questions that you ask your vet. Somewhere, typically towards…

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Helping Your Cat Stay Healthy

To keep your cat healthy a majority of time, all you really need to do is give him good shelter, food, and plenty of water. Like other living things however, cats can get sick from time to time no matter what you do. As a cat owner, you’ll want to ensure that you feed your cat only the best. Premium…

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Golden Retriever

Common Health Problems

There are many common health problems that your Golden Retriever will experience from time to time. Most of these ailments are nothing serious, providing you know how they should be treated and prevented. Below, we will take a look at the most common ailments, and tell you how to prevent your Golden from getting them. Distemper virus The distemper virus…

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