
Vaccinations And Your Dog

Although your new puppy will likely squirm and maybe even cry when getting his shots, it is just as important for your dog as it is for your children or yourself. In fact, by keeping up on your dog’s vaccinations, you could be saving his life. Vaccinations are injections of a small dose of a disease, which will prevent your…

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Helping Your Cat Stay Healthy

To keep your cat healthy a majority of time, all you really need to do is give him good shelter, food, and plenty of water. Like other living things however, cats can get sick from time to time no matter what you do. As a cat owner, you’ll want to ensure that you feed your cat only the best. Premium…

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Travel Tips

Medically Preparing For Your Trip To Thailand

To have the most benefit, see a health-care provider at least 4-6 weeks before your trip to allow time for your vaccines to take effect and to start taking medicine to prevent malaria, if you need it. Even if you have less than 4 weeks before you leave, you should still see a health-care provider for needed vaccines, anti-malaria drugs…

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