Web Hosting

Tomtom Satellite Navigation

The Tomtom satellite navigation system is ideal for those people who are always on the move into the unknown, providing nigh on pin point accuracy towards the destination. Its database holds routes and directions for over 16 countries, and comes in three different options suitable for all road users. Firstly, the navigation software can be linked up to PDA’s and…

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What S The Big Deal About Google S Bigdaddy Update

Every few months Google updates the algorithm it uses to rank websites in its index. Some of these updates are more significant than others, but because of Google’s market leading position these updates can be extremely significant to many online businesses. Internet Marketers assign names to these updates much the same way the weather service names hurricanes. Last October it…

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Web Hosting

How To Reduce Refund Request

It’s a double edged sword, this thing we call refund. By offering the same, we could actually strengthen relationships with our clients. They would trust us easier if they would be assured that they could always return a product that would not meet their expectations. On the other hand, refunds have been abused by some quarters. Since we’re dealing with…

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Trucks Suvs

How About A Gps System For Your Car

Can you remember taking trips by car trying to read those directions while trying to drive? Or perhaps you carried a bulky atlas or relied on your own intuition to get you where you wanted to go. Fortunately, your driving experience can be better now. Times have changed and GPS automobile navigation systems are readily available and perfectly capable of…

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