Web Hosting

Knowing The Basics Of Aikido

Aikido is one of the oldest form of martial arts. Founded by Morihei Ueshiba, aikido came about through the studies of many different kinds of traditional martial arts. In fact, is often perceived as a form of exercise or a dance because of some of its forms. It is also viewed by some quarters as some form of martial mesmerism.…

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The Power Of Positive Thinking

Welcome to the bridge of Manifest life. Don’ t let any situation take the control. You are the second master of the game, under the universe master law, what you think is what you get. Can that be possible? Yes it can be, you got to be in a manifesting state, your mind, your body is one, not two. The…

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Time Management

Can We Have It All

Must we give something up in order to get what we want? Are you reconciled to hitting the invisible ceiling at work? Are you settling for just anyones affection? Or putting your passions away to pursue a ‘normal life’? Do you allow authorities, statistics, desperation, and old voices from the past to cloud your vision of the future? The universe…

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Assist The Universe In Manifesting Your Desires

So you think understand the principles of manifesting but you cannot explain why these things are not coming to you. You believe that we create our reality. You understand the laws of attraction, and believe that what we think about we attract into our experience. You have even been practicing these principles, that is, when you remember to. When you…

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Time Management

Boost Your Attraction Confidence

Do you struggle with a lack of confidence where the Law of Attraction is concerned? It’s a common problem that many people have – especially at the beginning when they’re just learning how to use their power as conscious creators! However, a strong level of confidence is crucial simply because your confidence level is a direct reflection of your inner…

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Time Management

Why You Need Oxygen To Work The Law Of Attraction

The law of attraction is all about magnetizing your visualization so that whatever that you have asked the universe for, will be attracted to you. One of the most important practices to harness the powers of electro-magnetic energy in the body is to sleep with the head of the bed pointing North, parallel to the earth’s magnetic poles. When all…

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