
Thailand Post Tsunamis

It is the dawn of a new morning in the beautiful Andaman Beach in Phuket. Vendors start arriving with their colourful goods; resort workers conscientiously prepare the many lounge chairs and umbrellas that will shield the noonday sun. The masseuses are waiting near the trees, chatting as they wait for customers. Life goes on for these Thais who depend on…

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Compassion Offers Hope To Indian Fishermen

The day – Dec. 26, 2004 – began like most other days for Venkateshwarlu, a fisherman in the seaside village of Pallepalem, India. He had just finished a long night of fishing and was on the damp, cold beach washing his nets when he saw the water rise up. “A huge wave took my boat out to sea,” Venkateshwarlu said…

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Travel Leisure

Using Forums In South East Asian Disasters

When the Internet was invented, it was looked upon as a way to find information in online encyclopaedia, or to advertise marketing material, or to find basic information. In other words, everyone expected it to be a glorified, easily accessible encyclopaedia, with maybe a few experts easily accessible online. What few people dreamed was that the Internet would rapidly transform…

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Affects Of The Tsunami On Tourism

It was December 26,2004 a beautiful sunny day. There were vacationers all over the gorgeous Asian beaches not a worry in the world. Certainly no one was expecting the devastation that was about to unfold. A tsunami struck out of nowhere going down in history as the most devastating earthquake killing over two hundred thousand people. The coasts of South…

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Young Tsunami Survivors Find New Start At Shriners Hospitals

When the Indian Ocean tsunami crashed ashore on December 26, 2004, many things were lost. Homes were swept away, belongings gone forever. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives in the disaster. And many of those who survived, including children, literally lost a part of themselves. Seven-year-old Tara Aulia and 11-year-old Hamdani survived the tsunami that ripped through their…

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