
Bankruptcy The Effects Of Bad Credit

There was a time when bankruptcy was probably the biggest stigma that could be attached to anyone in business. Thankfully those days are long gone. Today, bankruptcies are fast, efficient and frequent court procedures designed not as a punishment for the creditor, but as a means of drawing a line under un-payable debts and allowing everyone to move on. While…

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Wealth Building

Bankrupcy Tips Notice To The Creditors And Meeting Part 3

After filing your petition for bankruptcy under Chapter 7, paying the necessary fees, and complying with the legal requirements, an “automatic stay” is granted to you by operation of law. This stay will effectively stop most collection actions against you and your properties (11 U.S.C. 362). This means that as long as the stay is in effect, creditors cannot initiate…

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Wealth Building

Bankruptcy Trustee Is Advocate For Creditors

When a client and their attorney file for bankruptcy it is not automatically presumed that everything listed on the petition is the exact truth. Attorneys generally will not file any claims knowing they are not accurate, but then again, the attorney is relying on the client’s honesty to insure all the appropriate information is available. In the majority of bankruptcy…

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Real Estate

How To Save Your Home From Foreclosure

The Great American Dream of homeownership is what many in our country diligently strive for. Homeownership brings many benefits, as well as responsibilities. Entrance into the status of homeowner may come with little or no cash investment for a down-payment. The loan that is obtained by a first time homebuyer is usually a special loan designed to assist those in…

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