Alternative Medicine

Health Sanatorium

Enjoy nature at its best. Matheran is a one of its kind hill station near Mumbai,India (About 100 km. away). Matheran literally means jungle on top. All vehicles (Except emergency vehicles) are banned here. The only modes of transport are on Horseback, by man-pulled rickshaw, or on foot. Every one living in cities needs this sort of change once in…

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Web Hosting

Ecommerce Top 7 Trust Builders

Many new ecommerce businesses have little idea the impact of trust marketing will have in their online business success. For most customers the value of trust is important. This is why certain businesses continue to grow online while others do not. In a very simplified sense online businesses that grow give their customers reason to trust them while many others…

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Time Management

Trusting And Honoring Your Feelings

Do you trust your feelings and take action for yourself based on your feelings? Many of us grew up learning to mistrust our feelings. “Don’t be ridiculous,” my mother often said to me when I asked her why she was angry. “I’m not angry,” she would say with anger in her voice. “Don’t be ridiculous” was what I often heard…

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Asset Protection Who Needs To Protect Their Assets

America has often been referred to as a litigious society, meaning that we are prone to engaging in lawsuits for even the most frivolous of offenses. Ordinary people have been sued for anything and everything including: having wireless internet in their homes, not raking their front walkways, coughing in public, and giving bad reviews of former employees. Thus, no matter…

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Refinancing Mistakes And Misconceptions

It is often the biggest mistake we make when attempting to refinance by overlooking and disregarding equity lines that are right around us and that can possibly be sourced with a little ingenuity. You never overlook any possible source of finance when building a property portfolio. This is a common mistake that can cost us a lot in the future…

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Rebuilding Trust

The loss of trust is a very painful experience. It often involves a lot of hurt, confusion, anger, and sadness. Dealing with these emotions is critical when trying to rebuild trust. When upset, we want our partners to understand our point of view – to understand our feelings and emotions. Understanding how we feel is important because it helps us…

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Time Management

Listening Within The Awakening Of Intuition

We live at a time when the capacity to hear God’s voice speaking within heart and mind has become greater, due to the intensification of light within the physical plane. As a result, even for those who have wandered far away from a spiritual path, the way back is more possible than ever before given a wish to return, and…

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Mutual Funds

Mutual Funds An Introduction And Brief History

Each one of us does not have the expertise or the time to build and manage an investment portfolio. There is an excellent alternative available – mutual funds. A mutual fund is an investment intermediary by which people can pool their money and invest it according to a predetermined objective. Each investor of the mutual fund gets a share of…

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Web Hosting

Don T Overlook The Value Of Email Marketing

Let’s face it, almost everyone has an email address. How many people would you know that didn’t have an email address? More importantly everyone working online or wanting to work online will have an email address. It’s not a luxury, it is just an everyday service that everybody has and uses almost everyday. We use it to keep in touch…

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