
Is Bush Ready To Cut And Run In Iraq

DETROIT — We are living under a regime that has made war and torture highly profitable for a handful of scummy corporations and individuals. That’s the way the Busheviks like doing business, keeping their dirtiest deeds in the hands of for-profit surrogates. Openness and accountability — hallmarks of a free society — have no place in the mad project to…

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Murtha Right Bush Lies

DETROIT — Privately, President George W. Bush is having a political panic attack as he retreats to his cocoon, seeking comfort from his nannies. Babs, his mommy, wife Laura, Condi Rice and Karen Hughes serve as his ladies in waiting, assuring our courageous leader that the boo-boos he gets on his head will get better and those bad boys criticizing…

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Why Democrats Should Fund The War

Democrats will be making a profound mistake if they follow through on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s insistence that the party will refuse to provide any funding for the war in Iraq, absent some benchmarks for withdrawal of our troops at least by September 2008. To be sure, as everyone knows, the American people quite strongly support the notion of…

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