Travel Leisure

Rail Travel Tips

Traveling by train, in itself, is fun. The continuous jostling of the compartments, screeching of train brakes and the loud horns make train traveling a real fun. However you need to take care of certain things while traveling, so that the journey remains hassle-free and fine. Rail travel is a lengthy journey, so you should try to relax as much…

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Magazines For The Traveler

A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving (Lao Tzu, Chinese traveler). Now whether you want to do a spot of armchair traveling, or plan a family trip, or even catch up on your knowledge of world geography and culture, then you must be a subscriber to at least one travel magazine. Many people fall…

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Alternative Medicine

Health Care For Globe Trotters

50% of people, who travel, suffer a travel – related illness. All travelers should be well prepared for travel and be prepared to protect themselves from travel related illness. In this issue various aspects of travel related illness have been discussed with related protective measures. According to ayurveda traveling causes vitiation of vata dosha. Vata dosha regulates all the activities…

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Travel Leisure

Guide To Road Trips

The most popular medium for traveling in recent times has become traveling through air. Whether the distance between destinations is small of long travel by air seems to be the preferred choice among travelers. Since air travel saves a lot of time and hassles that may be encountered when traveling by road. But the time saved has led to a…

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Travel Leisure

How To Enjoy The Best Places Under The Sun

There are people who are fond of traveling. They like to go to places where they can recharge their souls, unwind, release the tension from work, and simply enjoy what life has to offer. And there are people who are more of the adventurous type who would rather enjoy the day exploring the forest canopy in Costa Rica or discover…

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Buying Travel Insurance Online

Travelers purchase travel insurance to cover unexpected health or medical problems. Travel insurance provides coverage if you’re sick or getting injured while traveling. Everyone requires travel insurance policy because life is unforeseen. It also provides coverage if you lost your luggage at the airport. Travel insurance covers stolen or lost possessions but there may be limits on cash or individual…

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Travel Leisure

Why I Travel Alone Sometimes

Some people shy away from traveling alone, a few embrace it. This article looks at the decided advantages of going it alone. First, traveling solo is the ultimate freedom. The itinerary you set and all the decisions you make are your creations without concern or acquiesence to any other person or group. In other words, no compromises. No arguments, no…

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Web Hosting

On Traveling

Move from point A to point B and you have just traveled. But many would not define traveling as just that. A lot of people would consider traveling as something to do with packing for a journey. It entails going somewhere one is not familiar with or going to where one seldom goes. Going to a distant restaurant or a…

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Golf Accessories For Frequent Fliers

If you are faced with a double whammy of being a constant traveler as well as a golf aficionado, well, you have a problem at hand. And the only solution is to carry a full set of traveling accessories so that you remain in touch with your golf swing. If you wish to retain your handicap while you travel, you…

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