Trucks Suvs

Toyota Modified Valve Body

As many Toyota and Jeep owners know, the AW4 / Toyota 340, A340, and A341E series of transmissions are generally very well made and demonstrate excellent durability in unmodified applications. The framework is present for an extremely strong transmission that is to be used in a high performance or extreme duty application. The problem is that the original calibration is…

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The Scooter Your Number One Transport Companion

The word scooter refers to a motorcycle that has a step through frame where its rider sits without having to straddle any part of the engine. Another difference between the scooter and the motorcycle is the wheel size. Motorcycles have large wheels and average scooters have wheels that are between 8 and 14 inches in diameter. In scooters the engine…

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Don T Be Bugged Get Bug Detectors

You are walking along, sweeping back and forth, area after area, searching. You are continuing searching when suddenly a sound begins to click, faster and faster. Is it a Geiger counter? No, it is your bug detector. That is right. If you suspect that someone is listening in on your private conversations, strategic development meetings, covert operations, or whatever your…

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Mazda Rx 7 Small But Terrible

The Mazda RX 7 is a sports car that had started in production in 1978. It is also known as the Savanna and the Efini RX 7. The first batch of this vehicle actually went to be part of the affordable sports car segment. It held various competitors that include the Datsun/Nissan 280 Z. The Mazda RX 7 holds a…

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