Self Improvement

Discover The Hidden Superpower Of Your Mind

The mind is an infinite wonder. It has the fantastic ability to transmute your desires into their physical counterparts. You can do anything that your mind can conceive, as long as you have the belief and will power to back it up. Take the case of cancer patients who were given placebo pills. These are just plain pills that have…

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Don T Quash Exuberance

As children we are born exuberant. We don’t mind letting everyone know when we are excited. We squeal, laugh and shout out our exuberance for all to hear. Unfortunately, we are told by adults to be quite and calm down. We are told that our behavior is embarrassing. When we grow up to be adults we are socialized to believe…

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Disease Illness

The Ethics Of A Life Long Herpes Infection

From day one my own personal life-long herpes infection has presented me with several ethical challenges. It has challenged me on the question of who to tell and when. It has challenged me on the issue of what to say and how to others with herpes. It has challenged me on the question of “Do I have any responsibilities towards…

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The Power Of The Nevada Gaming Commission

The Nevada Gaming Commission was established by the Nevada Legislature to oversee all gaming operations that take place in Nevada. This oversight starts with investigating prospective owners for gambling licenses from a local bar to a mega million-dollar casino. Whether the person is the owner or just a key employee of the corporation in charge of the gaming part of…

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Inspirational Thought For The Day

Are you ready for your inspirational thought for the day? When you first read it, it may seem too simple. However, if you think about it for even a moment, you’ll see that the implications are profound – and inspiring. This is t: “Whatever goals you have in your life, and no matter where you are start, someone has succeeded…

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Time Management

A Time To Remember Spirituality Information

It was early in the evening when the phone call came. Reaching over, I grabbed the phone and was greeted by my cousin who lives in New York City. There was a deep sadness in her voice as she told me that she personally wanted to call me and invite me to the 5-year memorial service she’d be having for…

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Personal Finance

Learning The Value Of Money

This article describes how my father taught me the value of money and at the same time also showed me how to reach and attain the goals I had in my life. I have a friend called Peter and for his seventeenth birthday his parents bought him a very impressive car which would have cost them around What’s your Reaction?…

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Health Fitness

Online Benefits

Just a few hours ago, a friend of mine related to me how frustrating her experience was buying from a drugstore. She told me the most absurdly funny story about how a certain drugstore, not so far away from their house, took two hours of her precious time just for let her buy some muscle relaxants. Who would have expected…

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