Time Management

Exercising Your Brain

Staying fit is a great goal that will help you lead a longer, healthier life but if your brain can’t keep up, then what’s the point. The brain is a muscle too and it follows the same “use it or lose it” policy as your other muscles. So how can you keep your brain fit? Brain exercise is the answer.…

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Dating A Professional Single

At one time or another and maybe in some people’s cases all the time we’ve dreamed about dating a rich guy or gal. You know the successful lawyer or doctor or the on the edge entrepreneur. It’s that perfect scene we play in our head that allows us to see things just the way we want them to be but…

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Stock Market

Wealth Is Made By Focusing In Stocks

STOP. STOP trying to create the perfect trading system. There isn’t one. Phew..what a relief. Stop spending all those hours creating more and more trading rules and realize this: Money creation in the stock market is made from CONCENTRATION. That’s right. Trading the very best stocks atthe right time with enough capital to make a big difference. You must go…

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Breast Pumps Using Cues For A Faster Let Down

Did you know using a breast pump to express milk for your infant can be a learned skill? One of the challenges pumping mothers face is to elicit a let-down or their milk ejection reflex in a reasonable amount of time. Breast pumps and your baby do not remove milk from your breast by suction alone. Compression and stimulation to…

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Ways To Improve Your Credit Score Rating

Have you ever bothered to have a look at your credit score? Most of us are not even aware about the importance of maintaining a healthy credit score. If your credit report has a bad credit score rating it’s the time you start to improve your credit score rating. Credit score is just a three digit number but it has…

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Self Improvement

Ready To Snap Crazy Busy And The Lure Of Modern Life

Are you too busy? Are you always in a hurry, juggling work and family tasks like balls in the air? Are you ready to snap? You’re not alone. Millions of successful adults are being swept up by today’s frenetic, globalized, technology-driven lifestyle. We have plunged into a mad rush of activity, aided by high-speed Internet, cell phones, instant messaging, BlackBerries…

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Poker Life Playing On Tilt

This is one of the most amazing aspects of poker and life at the same time. There are many ways to tilt. We all must know how to, or at least we have all witnessed the devastating effect of tilt in its true meaning. It can be a wonderful thing to see, when a player throws money at everyone. But…

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Health Fitness

Chronic Depression Can Cause The Blues

Chronic depression blues – Why do we feel so depressed? What makes us feel depressed? Will these feelings of depression ever go away? I’m sure that most people have suffered from “the blues” at some stage in their lives, but for some people suffering from chronic depression, it is a lot like having “the blues” every day of the week.…

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