Time Management

Is The Movie The Secret Good Or Harmful

Unless you’ve been hiding in a cave for the past year or you are not interested at all in anything alternative, spiritual or relating to personal development, you have without a doubt heard of or seen the movie “The Secret.” This has been a very well-done, extremely publicized and super-well marketed movie/documentary on the “Law of Attraction”. Brought to us…

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Weight Loss

Thinking As The Thin Think

When you lose a massive amount of weight after undergoing the Gastric Bypass Weight-Loss Surgery, it’s difficult to change our mindsets and how we incorporate our new lifestyle habits. As we slim down, it is important that we begin to “think as a thin person” or rather (let’s all practice this tongue-twister together) “thinking as the thin think.” Why should…

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Self Improvement

Thinking Games

Classic thinking games are a great way to tune up your brain. You can use these mind games to help you increase your brain power and to get you out of your thinking “ruts.” Play them enough, and they’ll habituate you to using creative problem solving as a normal part of thinking about things. Thinking Games For Groups Group thinking…

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The Pick Up Artist And One Night Stands

Let’s talk about One Night Stands. It wasn’t until I had a couple solid pickups that I started to really understand how easy all this really could be. Looking back, I realize now that those initial successes were the start of a major “bad belief overhaul.” I began to believe that women wanted me and wants to get in bed.…

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Health Fitness

The Key To Quit Smoking

From many of the well known methods on how to quit smoking, I will share with you the biggest discovery that will make you feel powerful enough to start the process of becoming a nonsmoker. This discovery will power you up day after day. You will enjoy the process and finally experience how easy life can be as a nonsmoker.…

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Web Hosting

Persuasion Based On Your Prospect S Needs

“Nothing has more strength than dire necessity.” ~ Euripides In sales and marketing, the most basic strategy is an ability to fulfill a need. How can we use this strategy to persuade affluent clients? After all, they seemingly have no needs? Wrong. Everybody needs something. Determining what that something is and if you’re able to fulfill it is the process…

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Time Management

Teen Chat 7 Ways To Believe In Yourself Part 1

Hi Teens: “I could never do that,” Vicky replied when her friend Tara told her that she was going to run for Student Council President. Steve said to Derek, “I am going to try out for the school volleyball team, are you?” Derek had been practicing for several weeks, and he had a good chance of making the team, but…

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Goal Setting

If Wishes Were Horses Then Beggars Would Ride

And if Bull frogs had wings they wouldn’t bump their little rear-end when they landed. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that rushing all over the place you are being your most productive self. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that when you take time out for thought you are wasting your time. All play and no work makes Jack…

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