
Audio Book College Tape Textbook An Innovative Learning Tool

Over the last century since the development of the printing press textbooks have become a standard form of media for the delivery of education to students. The paper textbook is a wonderful resource, however, it is not suitable for every student. Many students suffer from learning disorders, which render them incapable of reading traditional textbooks. These medical Conditions include (but…

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Home Family

Back To School Textbook Savings

If you are sending your adult children off to college you know that there are three school related expenses which make up the bulk of your budget: tuition, room and board, and textbooks. The first two expenses are mostly fixed and predictable costs, while the third is impossible to predict as well as a potential budget buster. You may not…

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Reference Education

I Miss My Textbooks

Most adults look back on their years of schooling either with a great amount of fondness or with relief that their days of learning have passed. Children, too, are usually either lovers or haters of school and everything that comes with it. As I moved up the education ladder from elementary school to junior high to high school and then…

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Wealth Building

Used Textbooks Get Them Online Before They Sell Out

Used textbooks are a cheaper alternative to new textbooks and are in high demand by most students who shop at their local college booksellers. Used textbooks are also sold on a national and even global scale through online merchant and auction websites which allow shoppers to search many major new and used book sellers at a time for specific titles.…

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