Computers Technology

Httpwww Google Com Httpgroups Yahoo Com Invalid Url Why

So you have heard of Google or Yahoo, fired up the trusty Internet Explorer and typed one of the following phrase’s in the search bar,,,, or perhaps, hit search, “–” Eh, Nothing, WHY? You are not alone, over 3,000,000 people a year type in, over 2,000,000 type in, and 2,600,000 enter, all with…

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How To Design A Search Engine Friendly Website

Search engines favour well designed web sites with plenty text content for their top rankings. Here’s some tips on how to design a web site to be ranked at the top in the search engines. Text Content The cornerstone to your web site is the text content. Make sure the site contains plenty subject matter right from the start. Your…

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Web Hosting

Myspace Profile Fun Add Ons

Myspace is now ranking as one of the top websites on the Internet. In social networking, it is right at the top in the world. What is that which makes myspace so successful? I believe that the ways in which users can play with their profile is one of the reasons. A user can express his/her individuality on the profile…

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Reference Education

Understanding The Basics Of Speed Reading

Speed reading is not just a parlor trick you can use to impress your friends and family. For many it’s a necessary tool for managing time and information in the fast-paced business world, and for many others, specifically students, it’s the only way to get through reading-heavy class loads. The practiced speed reader can pick up a lengthy document or…

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Free Sms

What is Free SMS? Free SMS is the ability to send text messages without a charge through the Internet. Many websites are offering the service for free as a link with email messaging. It is not a new concept, and it is beginning to catch on with people looking to save money on text messaging. Text messages can get expensive…

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Web Design

Critical Web Design Rules

Content is King! If you want a website to generate back-links and have quality content the search engines love, be sure to make it readable by both people and search engines. Search engines are working to give people quality results. Thus, they are looking for sites with quality content. So by building site content for people, not only are you…

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