Travel Tips

Travel And Terrorism

The first and best protection is to avoid travel to areas where there has been a persistent record of terrorist attacks or kidnappings. Most terrorist attacks are the result of careful planning. Just as a car thief will first be attracted to an unlocked car with the key in the ignition, terrorists are looking for the most accessible targets. The…

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How Can We Detect And Stop Terrorist Acts From Happening

How Can We Detect and Stop Terrorist Acts from Happening? “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty” Thomas Jefferson Knowledge about the terrorist planning cycle is necessary in order to identify the key areas to implement effective counter terrorism measures. It is difficult enough just to summarize this cycle, let alone do something about it. Be that as it may,…

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Can Illegal Immigration Lead To Terrorism

As I watched the evening news, I wondered why no one else seemed to understand that our porous southern borders were open doors for Middle Eastern terrorists. Perhaps it was fresh on my own mind because I’d had a recent conversation with a Virginia Police Chief, who told me his department had been notified by Homeland Security of the potential…

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Bush Flirts With Fascism

DETROIT — The regime has already produced so many ignominious legacies that historians in the near future will be able to feast on the task of measuring the damage from the wretched deeds the Busheviks have wrought. Certainly, the unnecessary pre-emptive war in Iraq, sold with lies, will echo for generations as a symbol of America’s failed experiment in empire…

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Counterfeit Handbags And Terrorism

In most major cities in the world, there is an active and highly profitable shadow economy in phony consumer goods that generates (in some estimates) upwards of 500 billion dollars a year. If have ever been down to “Counterfeit Alley” in midtown Manhattan, you have seen one of the biggest counterfeit marketplaces in the world. While many of us spend…

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Current Events

911 Faqs And More Questions

The number 911 has been in the news quite frequently in the last couple of years. 911 is the emergency number dialed by people when they need fire, police or ambulance assistance in a hurry. In the year 911 the Lower Seine area was ceded to the Norse invaders under Hrolf Ranger as the Duchy of Normandy (treaty of St…

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Travel Tips

Responding To Terrorism And Travel Overseas

Terrorist acts occur unpredictably, making it impossible to protect yourself absolutely. The first and best protection is to avoid travel to areas where there has been a persistent record of terrorist attacks or kidnappings. Most terrorist attacks are the result of careful planning. Just as a car thief will first be attracted to an unlocked car with the key in…

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