
The Playful And Inquisitive Dog Cairn Terrier

The Cairn is assumed as one of the subcategories of Scotland’s terriers along with the Westies (West Highland White) and the Scottish, The Westies and the Cairns are highly related. For one, Westies are hybrids of white dogs crossed with Cairns of western Scotland. The Westie can be considered as the white variety of the Cairn who has a coat…

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Boston Terrier The Standard And Does It Matter

To compete with your Boston Terrier you will need to understand the requirements and procedures used for judging. The American Kennel Club releases breed standards for each breed of dog and the Boston Terriers specifications can be found here. You can also check more specialized clubs for the information about required standards for your Boston Terrier. The American Kennel club…

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The Scruffy Little Hunter Dog Border Terrier

The Border terrier got its name from the area called Cheviot Hills, which is actually near the border of England and Scotland. This is where these dogs were made to attack and terminate predatory foxes. They have wiry coat that is why they normally appear as scruffy. However, this scruffiness is an attention-grabber that is why owners do not forget…

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A Dog In One Pack Jack Russell Terrier

We basically want to find companions who would give us most of the benefits we think we need. Well, if you are looking for a dog that is somewhat a one-in-package pal, you might find Jack Russell Terriers interesting enough. This dog has a history that is somehow loomed to give rise to the specie. It was said that the…

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Why Not Consider The Manchester Terrier Dog

The Manchester terrier is one of those dogs that puts a lot of personality into a fairly small package. A remarkably attractive pet with a convenient smooth and short-haired coat, this terrier is one of those breeds with an interesting background stemming from the early, “working dog” days. These terriers derive from the old black and tan terrier breed in…

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The Stylish And Reserved Dog Scottish Terrier

The Scottish terriers, also known as Scotties, are short-legged British terriers. They are one among other go-to-ground and wire-coated terriers developed in the highlands of Scotland. The Scotties are said to have jaunty attitude so they are often used to represent advertisements of the country to where they originated. However, Scotties’ nature is not in coherence with their public image…

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The Popular Pet And Lap Dog Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire terriers, or Yorkies, originated from Scotland but bred in England. They were molded to hunt rats, but nowadays they are popular as pets. In fact, their variety was one of the Top Dog Breeds of 2005. They usually grow being small and light varieties. Hence, owners do not mind having their pets on their lap almost all day.…

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The Dog Of The Highlands West Highland White Terrier

At around 1700s, the Isle of Skye and other highlands in Scotland were already producing lots of small terriers. Scottish breeds were separated into two: the Skye terriers and the Dandie Dinmont terriers. The Dandie Dinmonts were categorized as a separate breed. The Skyes included the Scotties, the Cairns and the West highland white terriers or the Westies. It was…

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