
Home Schooling Through High School

For many parents who have home schooled their children through the elementary years, continuing the process during high school may seem like a daunting task. After all, math and science become more advanced in the teen years, and you may not have been a genius when it came to those subjects when you were in high school. You may also…

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Wealth Building

How Teens Can Make Cash

Teenagers are always looking for ways to make cash. With the high cost of designer clothing, NFL sports wear, music and movies, parents simply cannot afford everything that a teenager wants. Most teens know that the only way that they can get the things they want is to make cash. Unfortunately, many states have changed the driving laws to only…

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Vacation Traveling With Teenagers

Teenagers are not the easiest to please, and if are the parent of a teenager, you will understand this far better than someone else. This means that vacations with a teenager can be an adventure in itself, but one you may not always want to hold as a memory. To make it a great vacation for everyone, it is recommended…

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Garden Swing For Heart And Soul

Gardens Swing as a gift I read a description for an American eagle garden swing. The words simply captured me and made me feel that this was the exact gift that I needed for my wife’s upcoming birthday – I went out and bought a brand new swing the next day. Not the American eagle though, but a “Santa Fe…

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Prevent Your Teenager From Becoming A Statistic

Parents please don’t be naive in thinking that your teenager is not having sex, the majority of teenagers are. We have to better educate our children on the risks of unprotected sex. This task may sound embarrassing for both you and your teenager but it must be done. Schools only scrape the surface when discussing unprotected sex, stating that they…

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Best Treatment On Acne

Best Way to Prevent Acne In most cases, the teenage years are when most people experience the greatest amount of acne. This is due to hormone level fluctuations and increased sebum (oil) production. The perfect recipe for acne! So, what is a teenager to do? Prevention is the name of the game when it comes to acne and teens. Unfortunately,…

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Health Fitness

Birth Control Considerations For Teenagers

Teen pregnancy is one of the most difficult experience amidst a young person’s life. It can interrupt school or other plans in their young lives. It can create an emotional crisis resulting in feelings of depression, shame and fear. The stress of how a teenager go through to break this news to her parents might be even greater, and finding…

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Self Improvement

How Far Would You Go To Be Part Of The In Crowd

For most people, being a teenager is perhaps the most exciting stage in life. But being a teenager is full of ups and downs. A teenage girl is mostly bombarded by images of how Hollywood defines “beauty.” Billboard and magazine advertisements, t.v. and radio commercials, and even the Internet is saturated with images and messages of what is “in” and…

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