
Should I Buy My Teen A Vehicle

Well, that depends if you’re ready for your teen to become more independent and responsible. It also depends of course on your purse or wallet! Buying a vehicle for your teen is a big leap and presents lots of responsibility for your teen who is either at or approaching the age he or she can drive. You may want to…

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Health Fitness

Preventing The Perils Of Teen Smoking

It can start with simple curiosity or peer pressure, but teen smoking can become a lifelong habit that will eventually be hard to quit. As a parent, helping teens resist taking that first puff will help their children live a healthier life ahead. Sometimes, teen smoking can be a form of rebellion, or a way to fit in with the…

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Teenage Risk Taking

Adolescence is really a time of so many changes. And one of those is that teenagers are seeking to identify who they are as an individual. And a part of that process involves risk taking. So, the first thing we need to realize is that risk taking is normal at that stage. However, risk taking can be positive such as…

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Teeny Weenie Pregnancies

Teeny Weenie Pregnancies How many times does a parent have to remind their child about contraception,and sexually transmitted diseases. What does it take for a parent to be heard. In some unfortunate cases children just do not listen and choose to ignore the best advice any parent can give to their child. It is hard for a parent to see…

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Is Your Child Suffering From Teen Depression

Teen Depression is a rapidly growing concern in our society today. Aside from obesity, teen depression is one of the major concerns affecting our youth today. Reaching near epidemic proportions, teen depression is immensely contributing to countless numbers of teen deaths via suicide -thousands per year and countless more attempts. Teen depression can be a difficult problem to diagnose for…

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Help Teach Teens Math Counts Every Day

Many parents may admit math was not their favorite subject in high school. Many may also admit that math now plays an important role in their lives and careers-and will be necessary for their own children’s futures. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, by 2014, 6.3 million jobs will require science, engineering or technical training-24 percent more than in…

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Time Management

Teen Self Help

Getting through the teenage years is often one of the hardest parts of a person’s entire life. This is a time when emotions run high and changes are taking place at an astronomical rate. Oftentimes, a person doesn’t have the time to catch up with what is happening to them and a lot of big mistakes are likely to happen.…

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Communicating With Teens 7 Never Fail Secrets

Allow me to paint you a picture. You and your teen talk about issues and rules as they come up. While you have disagreements that you resolve, you never have fights where one person wins and the other loses. Sound impossible? I raised two kids that way and now I am going to share seven steps to lead you down…

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Teenage Depression Is It Just A Phase In Growth

We all remember when we were teenagers. Boy, what a phase in our lives. What with the need for peer acceptance, parental expectations, raging hormones, acne… It’s no wonder teenage depression exists in such high numbers. From research and even mere observation, teenage depression actually manifests itself differently from adult or childhood depression as during this age, teens want to…

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