
A Primer On Bradley Vs Lamaze Childbirth Methods

The Bradley method of childbirth was developed in the 1940’s by Dr. Robert A. Bradley, an American Obstetrician. It is based on the philosophy of ‘natural childbirth’ (drug free) and was pioneering in the involvement of fathers during the birthing process. The Lamaze technique was also established in the 1940’s by Dr. Fernand Lamaze, a French Obstetrician. Lamaze was influenced…

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Learn Yoga S Relaxation Technique A Long Lost Art For Rejuvenation

We all know that one of the necessary things needed to keep an automobile in good condition is cooling the engine when it gets hot. Well the same principle applies to the human body. When the body and mind are constantly overworked, their efficiency in performing their duties diminishes. Modern social life, food, work and even play make it difficult…

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Golf Chipping And Smart Pitching

Due to your level of physical fitness, you may never achieve hitting your driver 300 yards. An inability to achieve the necessary clubhead speed or even a lack of athletic flexibility can actually limit a golf game. However, everyone is absolutely capable of chipping and pitching the golf ball just as well as golf professionals. Distance control, a practice and…

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Time Management

Meditation Techniques That Anybody Can Use

Sometimes those of us “regular people” get intimidated about the idea of learning meditation techniques even if they will do us a lot of good. For a lot of us, when we think of meditation techniques, we get an image of a white haired guru sitting on top of a mountain, not of an ordinary run of the mill person…

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Time Management

How To Stop Marijuana Cravings

Would you like to learn proven methods to stop marijuana cravings from tempting you? According to the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse that was conducted in 2001, it is estimated that 83 million Americans have tried marijuana. It is also estimated that 5.6 million of these users reporting having problems with illicit drug use and more than 2 million…

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The Magician S Wand Seo Technique

I know most of you will be surprised to read the title of this article. Actually this is what search engine optimization is all about. There are a few points which every search engine optimization engineer should remember. Going through this will not only get you a better SERP’s ranking but also will increase your Google PR. 1. The more…

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Web Hosting

3 Reasons Why Viral Marketing Works

Webmasters and sellers who use viral marketing usually have their different reasons for using it. Some swear by its effectiveness and some like it because it gets them straight to their target market. If you’re still unsure about the benefits of viral marketing, keep reading. — Getting Infected Viral. The word alone has a negative connotation, bringing to mind images…

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Ppc Advertising

Adwords Miracle My Personal Experience

Apparently the guy who wrote Adwords Miracle went from flat broke to earning almost $2000 a week within 6 months. He reckons a 100-500% return on investment is what we should be shooting for……well; my ROI is nothing like that with adwords so I decided to give adwords miracle a whirl. If you’re completely new to adwords or like me…

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Health Fitness

Brain Imaging Model Accurately Identifies Alzheimer S

New Technique Helps Distinguish Alzheimer’s From Other Types of Dementia March 31, 2008, New York – The use of a brain imaging technique that measures sugar metabolism within a critical area of the brain could play an important role in the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. According to Dr. Lisa Mosconi and her colleague Mony De Leon,…

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Web Hosting

3 Reasons Why Viral Marketing Works

Webmasters and sellers who use viral marketing usually have their different reasons for using it. Some swear by its effectiveness and some like it because it gets them straight to their target market. If you’re still unsure about the benefits of viral marketing, keep reading. — Getting Infected Viral. The word alone has a negative connotation, bringing to mind images…

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