Food Beverage

Chinese White Tea And Its Uses And Types

Generally, Chinese white teas are considered to be the rare in China. They are rare in China since most of the white tea is exported. Well, for long years, the Chinese tea drinkers have been hip to white tea’s benefits, until recently it was virtually unknown outside of Asia. But, not anymore because today, everyone from chefs to medical researchers…

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Food Beverage

Practical Tips For Buying Green Tea

Green tea is considered as the “true” tea that has undergone minimal oxidation during processing. Experts believe that the secret of green tea is the fact that it is rich in catechin polyphenols such as epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG; this is a powerful anti-oxidant which inhibits the growth of cancer cells and kills cancer cells without harming healthy body tissues…

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What Is Black Tea

In recent years, new emphasis has been placed on the therapeutic benefits of drinking tea. Of course, there are many different varieties of tea that a consumer can choose from. As a result, unless you’ve really studied the issue, you may not know one kind of tea from another. If you’re in the dark about black tea, you’re certainly not…

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The Basics Of Rose Gardens

There are two main classes of roses: Bush roses and climbing roses. These two classifications are based entirely on tendencies of growth. Bush roses grow from 1 foot to 6 feet in height and require no support. Climbing roses produce long canes each year and must be provided with some type of support. Bush Roses Bush roses include many types…

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Delicious Oolong Tea Blends

If you’re ready for something a little different at tea time, try a flavored oolong tea. Many Westerners have not experienced the delicious flavor of oolong tea in any form. With a different flavor than black, green or white teas, oolongs are a rare treat. When paired with another flavor, oolong teas are quite exceptional. Oolong tea is very popular…

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Tea Quality White Tea

Drinking white tea is the newest trend for many of today’s tea drinkers. Drinking white tea, however, is not really new. The Chinese have been drinking white tea since at least the Tang Dynasty (618-907 A.D.). It gained greater popularity in China during the Song Dynasty when the emperor Hui Zhong declared white tea to be the most elegant form…

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