Self Improvement

Stuttering And Stammering Speech Impediment

Stammering or as it is sometimes known as stuttering is a form of speech impediment. My name is Stephen Hill and I had a stammer for eighteen years. I went to various types of speech therapy which even though was of some use, never really offered me any hope of a “cure”. At the age of twenty two, after a…

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School Prayer Right Or Wrong

In the Bill Of Rights, the First Amendment to the Constitution, titled “Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression” states the following: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government…

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Good Grades Are Nice But Mastery Is Better

When I was growing up, there was nothing better than bringing home a report card that had good grades on it. Oh, I wasn’t a straight A student, but I got my share of A’s and B’s. I also got my share of C’s and D’s. I guess I was what you call an average student. My parents always checked…

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Washington D C Teacher Recognized For Excellence By Congress

Kim Burke – Ables Science Teacher, Benjamin Banneker Academic High School Washington, DC- Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) today introduced a congressional resolution recognizing Kim Burke-Ables, a science teacher at Washington D.C. schools ‘ Benjamin Banneker Academic High School, on her selection as the District of Columbia Teacher of the Year for 2006, and “congratulating her for her exceptional dedication…

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Cool Teachers Rule With Cool Teacher S Rules

An out of control teacher: This is either scary or a highly entertaining venue for students. Let’s consider the latter. How many students can deny that they get a quick and amusing thrill out of comments like this? “This year there are going to be two types of students in my class – good students and bad students. Who’s bad…

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Self Improvement

The Automatic Champion

“Babe” Didrickson Zaharias was a phenomenal athlete. This Texan ran, jumped, rode horses, and played basketball and baseball What’s your Reaction? Love Love 0 Smile Smile 0 Haha Haha 0 Sad Sad 0 Star Star 0 Weary Weary 0 0 Shares Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Gmail Linkedin × Share this post! Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Gmail Linkedin Pinterest Messenger Reddit Telegram Tumblr…

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3 Reasons Why Homeschooling Rocks

1. It’s not boring as all get out. I spent the first 5 and a half years of my education in public schools. There were, of course, times when I enjoyed learning things and talking to my friends. On the flip side, though, there were long stretches of monotony and boredom. And that was just grade school! I can’t even…

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Quality School Teacher

There is a program that is run by the William Glasser Institute called, “The Quality School” program. It is an outstanding program that gets to the heart of school failure and disengagement. It is not based on fancy curriculum. No, instead it focuses on building need-satisfying relationships with students so that they will want to learn. Competency-based learning is the…

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What Is Homeschooling All About Anyway

The term “homeschooling” refers to choosing to educate one’s children at home, rather than in a public or private school. Usually one or both parents act as “teacher,” though not in the same way as a classroom teacher. Yes, it is entirely legal in all fifty states. In fact, it would be illegal or even unconstitutional to deny parents the…

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