
The Best Ways To Keep Coffee Hot

Keeping our brew fresh and hot is a big deal for some of us coffee drinkers. There is nothing worse than a tepid mouthful of stale coffee. How you keep your coffee hot depends a little on where you are and what you’re doing. What happens to coffee as we keep it warm? Are there things I should never do…

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Use Your Machine For Heartburn Free Coffee

When you heard the word ‘coffee’ do you automatically get a pain in your chest? If you don’t then you are one of the lucky ones, but for millions of coffee drinkers this is not the case. Many people can’t drink their favorite brew without fear of heartburn. Since coffee is popular all the world over its hard for those…

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Survival Skills

Survival skills just for backpacking? Why not? For ultralight backpackers like myself, skills replace gear, and therefore weight. If you spend any time in the wilderness, it also just feels good to know you can deal with whatever comes up. Survival means staying warm and dry, hydrated, uninjured, and finding your way out of the wilderness. Of course, eating is…

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Your Three Step Guide To Buying Coffee Beans Online

If you’re a newcomer to buying coffee beans, you may think it seems confusing as to what type to buy. But follow the three simple steps below and you’ll be an expert in no time! Step 1: Decide what type of beans you want. Coffee beans are generally classified according to the region they are grown in, which affects the…

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Avoid Heartburn From Your Office Coffee Machine

Unless you are a heartburn sufferer, you probably have no idea about the pain and discomfort that can be caused by coffee. Coffee lovers who experience this problem can face a real dilemma, do they enjoy the odd cup a risk hours of agony, or give it up altogether. In world where coffee has become part of our culture, and…

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How A Wine Club Can Help You

If you are new to wine, a wine club will help you find out which wines you really like (and those that you don’t). It is the perfect way of discovering new wines on a regular basis. If you’re not currently a member of a wine club, you should think again. Here’s why you are missing out. Do you generally…

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The Appeal Of Coffee Drinkers

What is the appeal of being an avid coffee drinker? I believe I have broken in down to three reasons. The first one obviously is the great taste of coffee. The second reason is the social factor that drinking coffee provides, and the third reason is that coffee allows us a time to refocus on our lives. I know, I…

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Food Beverage

Earl Grey Tea The Unique Flavor Of Earl Grey Tea

The smoky and fragrant taste of Earl Grey is a unique experience that many people can not get enough of. Described as a spicy citrus flavor, Earl Grey is a hard to describe taste that is unforgettable once tasted. Apparently Captain Picard of Star Trek fame will not drink anything else! Although many people consider Earl Grey as a type…

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Which Beans To Choose For Cappuccino

How much do we really know about the coffee we drink every day? Where does the coffee used in our cappuccino machines come from? Next time you go into the kitchen to make a cappuccino take a look at the coffee packet and you might be surprised. The number of coffee producing coffees is growing rapidly, and the differences between…

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Knowing Australian Wines

Drink the wine that you like. Sounds obvious, doesn’t it? Sometimes, however, we get so caught up in what is the right wine and what is the wrong wine that we forget the most important thing: we have taste! We have our own individual taste and love drinking the wine we love to drink. Sure, certain wines traditionally match certain…

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