
Audio Book College Tape Textbook An Innovative Learning Tool

Over the last century since the development of the printing press textbooks have become a standard form of media for the delivery of education to students. The paper textbook is a wonderful resource, however, it is not suitable for every student. Many students suffer from learning disorders, which render them incapable of reading traditional textbooks. These medical Conditions include (but…

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Recreation Sports

Choosing Hockey Sticks For Your Best Game Play

Hockey equipment is required for all players who step onto the ice but some differences exist regarding the hockey equipment utilized by different leagues. Players’ hockey equipment generally consists of skates, shin pads, gloves, hockey pants, sticks, and helmets. The hockey stick tends to be the most vital, apart from your body protection. Choosing hockey sticks that suit you best…

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How To Make A Candy Bouquet

A bouquet is usually made just from flowers, but that doesn’t have to be the case. You can make your bouquet more interesting by adding other items, such as candy. Yeah, you read correctly, I said, Candy! Candy Bouquets are fun to make, look great, and they are a fantastic talking piece. I promise that everyone that sees your candy…

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Home Family

Some Excellent Tips For Faux Finish Painting

Here are some excellent tips for making some awesome faux finishes: 1. Start off with just a small space to get the hang of things before trying to tackle an entire room. If you are new to a specific technique, it will be a lot easier to cover up any mistakes on a smaller surface. 2. Always make sure that…

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Health Fitness

There S More Than One Way To Remove A Wart

Warts are one of those things that are simply never popular. They pop up on your skin unwanted, the result of a specific type of virus that seems to only multiply the ugly little skin deformities, and are generally eyesores to anyone involved. Dermatologists (skin doctors) have made small fortunes just coming up with treatments for warts. Wart removal is…

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Interior Design

Curtain And Drape Headings Top Tips

There are many types of curtain and drape headings and they are created, usually, by the application of a heading tape and a draw cord. Here is a quick look at the most common ones. Standard The most common form of curtain heading is the standard one. It comprises of a one inch tape that is gathered up into a…

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Reference Education

Rv On The Go Gadgets Eternabond Revolution

Got Leaks? You’re not alone. Rain water that leaks inside your RV, Boat, Trailer, Shed, Motor Home, or Mobile Home can be a real headache and can be very destructive. What can you do to keep the rain water outside where it belongs? You need RV On The Go Gadgets’ EternaBond. Once you purchase this Revolutionary product, you will keep…

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Computers Technology

Recording Through Time

Today, listening to music on compact disks and audio tapes is no novelty. Did we however think how the music got there? Recording music involves the storing of performances for later listening. This is what the musical bands and great singers do. Then, record labels like virgin records and Sony convert them into high quality tapes or cd’s for our…

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Home Improvement

Window Glass Repair Part 2

This week we are going to continue our series on single pane window glass repair. Let’s talk about broken glass in a fixed window, usually referred to as a picture window. The most common type will have metal stops on the outside, around all four edges of the window glass. Sometimes these stops will be held in place with screws,…

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