Web Hosting

Making Effective Use Of Long Tail Terms

If you haven’t heard of the “long tail”, the phrase was made famous by a book written by Chris Anderson with the same name. It refers to the statistical graph where the line is skewed to the right without ever reaching zero on the horizontal scale. Essentially, it’s an infinite line. In Anderson’s book, he explains how the Internet is…

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Are Parasites Killing Your Pets

Of course we all want to take care of our beloved pets but is it possible that parasites are endangering their lives? Although dogs and cats are generally considered to be rather disease free, they are both susceptible to parasites such as hook worms. Otherwise known as Dipylidium Caninum, the “hook worm” is a particularly nasty parasite that can and…

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Trucks Suvs

Euro Tail Buying Guide

Stopping with Style A custom truck or SUV just isn’t complete without a set of custom taillights. Taillights are like a fine wine – well, okay, they’re not really like wine. Custom tail lights aren’t anything but custom tail lights and if your truck doesn’t have them, you might as well be ridin’ around in a horse and buggy. Clear…

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The Low Down On Worms

The Low Down On Worms We all know that plastic worms are one of the most productive lures there are, but did you know certain worms have special uses? I have a whole tackle box with nothing but plastic worms in it, hundreds of them! Here is what I use a certain worm for: Floating Worm…I use this worm in…

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Long Tail Search Engine Optimization

What is long tail search engine optimization? And how will it help your internet business? The theory is simple really. You can make just as much money or maybe more out of the less clicked keywords than the more popular keywords for your given product or service. Although this may have not been feasible some years ago, with the advance…

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Trucks Suvs

Moisture In Your Taillights No Big Deal

You are probably reading this because: A) You have moisture in your tail lights B) You know someone with moisture in their tail lenses C) You’re bored Either way, I’m bringin’ the goods for you today. I’m going to tell you how to fix one of the biggest problems that plague the custom truck industry – moisture in your tail…

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Web Hosting

What Is The Long Tail

The “long tail” is a term used to describe a type of marketing or business model that focuses on a string of “niche” products and services, rather than the top few hot products. The phrase “the long tail” was coined by writer Chris Anderson, who subsequently wrote a best-selling book by the same title. Anderson and his concepts have since…

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How To Buy A Mountain Bike

In a perfect world you could buy any bike you wanted at a price you could afford, but in the real world mountain biking prices vary wildly. We provide some tips on what to look for. Buying a house is just about the most important investment you can make in your life. Various means of transportation come second – from…

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