
Peanut Butter Think Outside The Sandwich

Peanut butter has been a pantry and sandwich staple in households for generations. However this beloved American icon is more than a spread destined to partner with jelly. Peanut butter is also a nutrient dense food that is sometimes overlooked as part of a healthy lifestyle. Incorporating peanut butter into a variety of dishes and snacks can help add important…

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Healthy Entertaining The Sweet Benefits Of Raisins

Party food doesn’t have to be fattening. There are a number of festive, delicious-and healthful-dishes you can serve at parties and get-togethers. For instance, dishes prepared with California raisins are tangy, flavorful and provide numerous health benefits. California raisins are loaded with vitamins, minerals, powerful anti-oxidants, potassium, vitamin B6, and they are also fat- and cholesterol-free. Here is a sampling…

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Mongolian Hot Pot More Uses For Your Fondue Pot

As much as you love your fondue pot, you can’t dunk bread cubes into hot melted cheese every night. On those nights when you need a break from cheese fondue, why not use the fondue pot for something else. Mongolian Hot Pot is a great meal that can be cooked in an electric fondue pot. It is said that Mongolian…

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Spring Cooking Season Is Here

As the weather gets warmer on the east coast, more and more people are drawn to the outdoors to enjoy some warm weather cooking. Gone are the soups, and replaced are the stews. Steak grilling? Chili Cooking? Absolutely! Listed below are some of our favorite recipe dishes as we prepare for the warm months. Barbecued Pot Roast INGREDIENTS: What’s your…

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Grill Up An Easy Elegant Meal This Summer

If you’re craving a summer menu with more elegance than the standard hot dogs and hamburgers, but need something that won’t keep you in the kitchen all night, try combining convenient items already in the pantry with elegant, easy-to-prepare foods. One starting point: canned Bartlett pears. Although enjoyable right out of the can, with a little imagination they can easily…

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