Disease Illness

Hepatitis A How To Prevent It

Hepatitis A is a very highly contagious infection of a person’s liver and it is caused by a virus. It isn’t considered as dangerous as other viral types of Hepatitis, but it does cause severe pain and inflammation that affects the human liver’s abilities to function properly. The most likely way of contracting Hepatitis A is through food or water…

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Vitiligo What It Is And How To Treat It

Vitiligo is a relatively uncommon skin disease, estimated to affect about one percent of the entire world popularity. The primary symptom of vitiligo is white patches of skin, which may grow to cover large parts of the body or even the entire body. This disease is most frustrating when it is on visible areas of skin, such as the face.…

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Health Fitness

Social Anxiety Disorder Holiday Spoiler

The scent of crisp pine and the cold December breeze are unmistakable signs that the holidays are just around the bend. And while the season of merriment is fast-approaching, various social activities are looming, which most shy people are dreading to avoid. Worse, the holiday season is a time of year when feelings of love, joy, grief, and anxiety tend…

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Disease Illness

Types Of Hepatitis

Hepatitis is a disease taking on many forms which feature inflammation of the liver. The cause is depended on the prognosis and on the symptoms shown. Certain forms of hepatitis are unable to reveal many signs or symptoms and are only noticeable when the longstanding inflammation has led to the replacement of liver cells by connective tissue. General symptoms of…

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Health Fitness

Escaping From Drug Addiction Through Professionally Assisted Withdrawal

Check out the statistics; almost 12 percent of young Americans aged 18 years old are now addicted to illicit drugs and approximately 27 million Americans use illicit drugs regularly. Results of the 2001 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse and Addiction revealed that while millions of Americans habitually smoke pot, drink alcohol, snort cocaine, and swallow prescription drugs, many drug…

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Ocd Over Compulsive Disorder Till Death Do Us Part

To lose a loved one is heartbreaking, to see some one you love in pain is heartbreaking, to leave your child on their first day of school is heartbreaking. All these sad events can be removed from our thoughts if nurtured tenderly and tactfully. But what of over compulsive disorder a disease you can not negotiate with thus causing the…

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Get To Know The Physical Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure

Hypertension can sometimes confuse both the patient and the doctor for a couple of reasons. One, the physical symptoms of high blood pressure can vary quite widely. And secondly, it shares many symptoms with other diseases or conditions. That’s why, in dealing with any illness, a thorough examination of the patient, including checking blood pressure, is essential. It is quite…

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Common Childhood Illnesses What To Look For

Children are very susceptible to illnesses, in part because their immune systems are not fully mature. Breastfeeding of course provides some immunity to common illnesses, but nowadays most children are weaned by the time they are 1 year old. Children also have a habit of exploring the world around them with their mouths and their hands. Anything that comes into…

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