Disease Illness

Arthritis In The Knee What To Expect

Arthritis, which is a condition that affects one in three adult Americans, is one that affects the bone joints in the body. Because there is no cure, many sufferers are forced to cope with it’s painful effects. Arthritis in the knee is one of the common ailments and can make it difficult to walk, bend the leg or even sleep…

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Depression And Anxiety

Depression and anxiety appear to be two different emotional responses humans are capable of having. We do not usually associate these two disorders with each other. But research has shown that depression and anxiety do in fact co-exist, much to the detriment of their sufferers. When you picture someone with depression you think of all the normal symptoms associated with…

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Learning About Migraine Treatments

If you suffer from migraine headaches you know how debilitating they can be. You have probably tried a number of migraine treatments with little or no relief as well, which makes you feel like banging your head against the wall. Why not, it couldn’t hurt any worse, right? You dread the moment you get the first sign, or aura, of…

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Air Purifiers A Breath Of Fresh Air

Air purifiers are devices employed in homes and business all over the world. Due to the amount of dust etc indoors, air purifiers are used to clean and ‘purify’ the air inside the building, circulating it until it is free from unnecessary particles. An air purifier usually takes the form of a mechanical wall unit, but can be stood on…

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Disease Illness

Arthritis Treatments The Natural Way

There are actually three common types of arthritis. The treatments which you will need will depend on the type, so please read carefully. The main type is Osteoarthritis which is the most common, affecting around 16 million Americans with an average age of 45. It usually will attack weight bearing joints like knees, hips, and ankles but has been found…

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Over Compulsive Disorder Ocd I Cry Alone

To gain control of our actions first we need to face up to the OCD and believe in ourselves that we can fight this fight single handed if need be. I say single handed purely because this battle is one sided (between you and you). Medication is readily available to combat and ease the symptoms but for results you have…

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Health Fitness

Migraine Headaches Be Gone

Twenty-Four million people in the United States alone suffer from migraines. A migraine is typically a throbbing or pulsing headache, often focused on one-side of the head, and associated with nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, as well as certain smells. Attacks are typically recurring, and can be less severe as the migraine sufferer ages. Migraines can occur at any…

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Health Fitness

Ocd Victim Why We Do What We Do

Where does an OCD sufferer begin to start? to explain what compels them to do the things that are slowly destroying them inside or the people around them. Catch 22 Do you suffer in silence to please your loved ones or show them the door? Being an OCD sufferer for as long as I can remember has left me a…

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The Ups And Downs Of Atypical Depression

Atypical depression, a subtype of major depression, is the most common form of depression today. People who suffer atypical depression exhibit all the normal symptoms of depression but they also react to external positive experiences in a positive way. Atypical depression sufferers respond to their environment, enjoying the company of friends but slipping back into deep depression when alone or…

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