Health Fitness

Make Your Own Low Cholesterol Diet

Cholesterol is a fatty substance produced by the liver. This substance has many important roles inside the body and in small amounts it is very important in helping the activity of the organism. In the presence of cholesterol, the body is able to synthesize vitamin D and hormones (testosterone and estrogen). The liver also uses cholesterol in producing bile, a…

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Health Fitness

Cosmetics With Oxygen The Alternativ To Botox

Fact is our skin is mostly suffering under a lack of oxygen. Of course many different circumtances are playing an important role that it is like this. The broadly known ones are: UV-rays. Nowadays every child knows already that too much sun-rays are everything else than good for our skin. Harmful substances in the environment which permanentely increasing in our…

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Health Fitness

Getting A Fix The Risks Of Pain Relief Addiction

Addiction to any substance is a serious problem. Barring certain circumstances, addiction to pretty much anything can become a serious problem. While most people believe that addiction occurs only if certain emotional factors are present, that is not the case. Any substance that the body comes to develop a chemical dependent on can be addicting. The part that most people…

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Health Fitness

The Stinging Information About Anaphylaxis

Anaphylaxis is a serious type of allergy that usually happens when a person takes a triggering substance that is often called allergen. The exposure and its resulting reaction, anaphylaxis, occurs when the person become sensitized to that substance. Sometimes even if the person is exposed to allergens, even how little the allergens are and the time of exposure, the resulting…

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Coffee Is An Mysterious Drink And So Is Its Past

About 850 A.D it is said that a lone shepherd and his flock came across a strange and mysterious plant growing upon a secluded and forgotten hillside. Before he could stop them some of his herd had began to gnaw away at this unusual berry. After about fifteen minutes or so the herder started to notice that his sheep were…

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Substance Abuse Treatment Into Mainstream Of Health Care System

The introduction of this new medication is a major step toward moving substance-abuse treatment into the mainstream of the healthcare system. Such as inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, twelve step programs, and dual diagnosis units for individuals with emotional and substance abuse problems. Research and Data Issues Getting better data on substance abuse and mental illness treatment is the first step…

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Time Management

Nicotine In Cigarettes Addictive Or Not

The debate continues between medical experts and rehabilitation specialists as to whether or not nicotine in cigarettes is actually an addictive substance. Many people are unaware of the hotly debated topic of nicotine as a n addictive substance. Some experts claim the substance is ‘only’ a psychological addiction, while other specialists claim it is in fact a physiological affliction. I…

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Health Fitness

Abuse Drug Treatment Program

Alternative programs that divert felony drug offenders to substance abuse treatment programs rather than prison terms could save the U.S. * Implementation-educate parents, staff, and students; sponsor drug-free activities; identify and refer substance abusers for treatment; establish peer support and followup systems. This paper examines factors associated with a lifetime history of substance abuse treatment among women with drug abuse…

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Self Improvement

Addiction Treatment Is A Choice

People become victims of substance abuse for different and often inscrutable reason. But whatever these reasons are, it is undeniable that this problem wrecks havoc in the lives of its victims and the society. It is proven that there is a connection between the increasing crime rate and substance use. Other than being perpetrators of crimes, people under the influence…

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Arthritis Medication

Some are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) – some are OTCs / some require a prescription, acetaminophen and various topical medications, covered in the very next section. Users need to be aware of possible risk from long term use or product abuse, though, and consult their medical advisors before and during use. The most common OTC NSAIDs are ibuprofen, naproxen and…

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