Breast Cancer

Lower Your Risk For Breast Cancer Heart Disease

Many postmenopausal women are looking for alternatives to hormone therapy, especially in light of the recent Women’s Health Initiative research findings concerning the risks of combined estrogen and progestin therapy. Of particular interest are phytoestrogens, which have been gaining popularity due to their “natural” status, alleged health claims, and availability in a wide range of foods and supplements. What are…

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You Say Tomato I Say Superfood

The tomato has been called many things throughout history: Peruvian apple, love apple, and even, by Americans at least, a vegetable. Today, however, this lovely fruit is fast becoming known as Superfood! While not able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, this super hero of the nutrition world is able to do some pretty amazing things. For example,…

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The Effect Of Depression In Women

Women, regardless of nationality or socioeconomic status, have a higher chance to have depression than men. The reasons for such higher chance appear to be a combination of biological and cultural factors. Women’s Hormonal Variation and Life Phase Extreme hormonal changes can trigger the reaction of emotional swings for all women. There are studies that show how the hormones can…

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Web Hosting

Cellular Phones Can Be Hazardous To Your Health

Many people are using cellular phones nowadays because of the added convenience that it offers when it comes to communication. I have to admit that I even get disoriented when I accidentally leave my cellular phone every time I go out of the house to go someplace else. I feel troubled because I hate missing on important calls and messages.…

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Health Fitness

Irrational Fear Chill Out

While the whole world was masquerading in scary and outrageous costumes during Halloween, a team of scientists was making progress with the latest study on irrational fear. Results of this study are expected to expand current knowledge about treatments for major medical problems concerning irrational fear. “We’re taking all of what we learned from the basic studies of animals and…

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Health Fitness

Health Benefits Of Ginseng

Ginseng is a common health drink in China, Korea, and Japan and consumed its distinct flavor and medicinal properties. The word “ginseng” came from the Chinese term “jen-shen,” which means, “in the image of man.” Ginseng refers to a group of herbs from the plant family Araliacae. There are the three main types of ginseng: Oriental ginseng (Chinese or Korean),…

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Skin Cancer

Vitamin E Skin Care Healthy Aging

Vitamin E and Healthy Aging We all know the benefits of Vitamin E when it comes to skin care. Skin care products such as Dermitage Skin Care, uses Vitamin E to replenish skin cells that have aged and died to bring it back by making it actively regenerating and producing younger, healthier and smoother skin as you age. But aside…

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Know Your Bodybuilding Supplement Tribulus

Tribulus terrestris is a herb that comes from a plant found in Asia. It has been used in the past by many cultures for the treatment of liver, kidney and cardiovascular diseases. It has also been used as a diuretic and to treat infertility. In recent years strength athletes in eastern Europe are reputed to have used it to enhance…

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Health Fitness

On To The Battle Against Obesity

Everybody has already signed up. More and more people are learning about this worthwhile cause and have wholeheartedly pledged their support. Understanding that they are heading into a huge battle, brave men and women collect all their strength and confidence to win the fight. This intense undertaking has even solicited support from different Hollywood stars – all of them are…

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