Time Management

Stress Management Among Students In Universities

At what age do students have the greatest stress? Young parents might say preschoolers have the greatest stress. They are leaving their parents for the first time, and have many reasons to be afraid. Older parents say middle school students have the most stress, having just entered adolescence. Still others will cite secondary school as the time of greatest stress.…

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Health Fitness

How Saying No Can Save Your Life

In 1936, the concept of stress was defined by Hans Selye as “the non-specific response of the body to any demand for change.” He also identified the two kinds of stressors, positive and negative, which he called eustress and distress respectively. Positive stressors, or eustress, are situations that are perceived to be happy or good, such as weddings, childbirth or…

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Acne Cure For Sure

If you are already tired of your acne, you may resort to finding expensive acne treatments or you may try some surgical procedures. But these things are so expensive and you don’t know if both will be successful. Here are some easy tips for acne cure and avoidance: 1. Regular Exercise Regular exercise can help in acne cure by fighting…

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