
What Is Philately Stamp Collecting

Philately, or the study of stamps, is a huge field of study that has captured the attention of many Americans over the years. This fascination with stamps and the history that surrounds them has led to a hobby related to philately, which is collecting stamps. Usually, stamp collection begins with the acquisition of a first couple of stamps and the…

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Butt Mountain Life In A Steppe Climate

If you were to sit in my living room and look out the picture window, you would see an enormous mountain that is about one-half mile from my front door. I have named it “Butt-mountain” for the butt-like rock formation that sits on its top. Butt-mountain, you would no doubt observe, is covered with yellowish, hay-like vegetation with a sparse…

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States And Home Learning

There are of all sorts’ things for moms to think and talk about when the strategy of Home Schooling your children pops into your brain. One and only one of the precursory is, how do I do this? Possibly you get going thinking about finances and if you can Homeschool on one pay and allowances. There is furthermore the dilemma…

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U S Population Growth In Costal Regions

National estimates put the U.S. population at just over 300 million based on the Census Bureau’s U.S. Population Clock. It is expected that America will see a surge in the population, primarily due to immigrants, with the addition of 100 million people added over the next 35 years. With the continued growth in population, analysts are starting to examine the…

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Canadian Drugs

The re-importation of drugs exported to Canada from the United States and drugs manufactured in Canada has recently become extremely popular. The cost of medicine and medical care is constantly on the rise in the United States, due to the high costs of entry to the health care market imposed by the FDA and the American legal system. Medical insurance…

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Buying Your European Car

Sometimes, just as luck would have it, the vehicle and the dream machine that you are looking for is entirely perfect. Except for one thing: you can only buy it in Europe. Of course, to do that, you still would have to import it back to the United States. And doing such an act could be quite complicated. Now, before…

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Web Hosting

Hispanics Represent The Largest Minority Buying Group In The U S

The purchasing power of the Hispanic population within the United States continues to rise sharply. Just by sheer number alone, people who fall into the Hispanic demographic represent a powerful purchasing group. Let’s look at some statistics. Of the approximately 300 million people in the United States, the U.S. Census Bureau estimates that about 44.3 million can be classified within…

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Myths Of The American Civil War

The Civil War (1861-5) has spawned numerous myths and falsities. The Republicans did not intend to abolish slavery – just to “contain” it, i.e., limit it to the 15 states where it had already existed. Most of the Democrats accepted this solution. This led to a schism in the Democratic party. The “fire eaters” left it and established their own…

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Arizona Schools Above Average For Less Money

Arizona Schools are slightly above average and that is pretty good news. When Superintendent Tom Horne released the state’s 2006 report card, it was with the news that Arizona Schools are usually placed either average, or slightly above, on indicators used to compare schools nationwide. The college entrance exams, the SATs and ACTs, and the National Assessment of Educational Progress…

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