
Enlightenment Is Not Just One State

Many people has the notion that enlightenment is one state. Many also believe that when it is attained, a person is forever in that state. The following is not a definitive article on this subject. It is just an expression of my own thoughts. My opinion is that enlightenment is not just one state but is a progressive and gradual…

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Lay The Groundwork For A Lifetime Of Reading

At school, reading is the essential tool for success in every subject, so it is vital that you lay the proper groundwork for your child. According to Bernabe Feria, an expert in reading sciences who holds a doctorate from Oxford University, children learn to read in three stages. They are as follows: * Stage 1: This stage typically lasts until…

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Meet The Twixters

There is a new stage of development for parents to consider. The stages of development are roughly the following: children move from infancy, to early childhood and onwards to middle childhood. These stages take roughly the first ten or so years of life. Our children then move into a long stage known as adolescence (with a number three sub-stages) that…

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Alternative Medicine

Stage Hypnosis Versus Hypnotherapy

Let me firstly briefly outline my credentials. I have been a practicing Hypnotherapist for 26 years and have, sometimes to my shame, done a fair amount of demonstration hypnosis to audiences, including hallucination hypnosis and altering a subject’s memory. I am principal and founder of The Robert shields College and have trained Hypnotherapists since 1986. I presently do the training…

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Health Fitness

The Tie That Binds Sleep And Sanity

What is sleep? All living things require sleep. It is the natural state of rest observed not only by human beings but also by other species of the animal kingdom. An adequate amount of sleep is important for one’s health and survival. It is during sleep that the body is recharged for another day of work. Sleep has five stages.…

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Arts Entertainment

Tv Stars Really They Started On The Legit Stage

Many times the general public associates an actor with a role they play on a long-running television show, not realizing that often that thespian had an active career on the stage first. Jerry Orbach and Sam Waterston on Law and Order, Jason Alexander on Seinfeld, and Patricia Heaton on Everybody Loves Raymond are a few of the many actors who…

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Multiple Steps To Success

Having an interest in online business, I often frequent forums that are for people who have or want a successful online business. There is one theme that recurs time and time again, and one that touches me with sadness. That is, the number of people who sound despondent and want to give up. You may think that such an attitude…

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How Can We Detect And Stop Terrorist Acts From Happening

How Can We Detect and Stop Terrorist Acts from Happening? “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty” Thomas Jefferson Knowledge about the terrorist planning cycle is necessary in order to identify the key areas to implement effective counter terrorism measures. It is difficult enough just to summarize this cycle, let alone do something about it. Be that as it may,…

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