
Senior Golfers Increase Swing Speed

It is widely known that with increased age comes a decrease in flexibility. This is why so many golf fitness programs emphasize stretching and increasing range of motion for senior golfers. It has also been well documented that senior golfers between the ages of 55 and 79 can increase their drive distance and enhance their overall golf performance by engaging…

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Golf Fitness Training Made Easy And Anyone Can Do It

Golf fitness training might sound grueling, sweaty and a lot of work! Doesn’t have to be that way. Now of course I’d be lying to you to say it’s easy and you won’t have to make a small commitment, and stick with it to see results. But what I am saying is…you can easily participate in a Golf fitness training…

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Functional Exercise For Golf Warrantsthe Quickest Results

Functional exercise for golf can mean different things to different golfers. But the key is to take a look at the golf swing mechanics and devise golf exercises, drills, and golf programs to strengthen weak or limited phases of the swing. Not every golfer has the same deficiency; and treating golfers this way is like “one-stop” shopping. This will result…

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Secret 7 Necessities For Great Golf

The game of golf can be difficult when you consider all of the individual elements. Most golfers are overwhelmed with information regarding which tips will benefit their game and which ones won’t. The most important aspects of the golf swing and the game, in general, all revolve around the building of a strong and solid foundation for the body, the…

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