Weight Loss

Eat Well And Lose Weight

Is your waistband tighter than you’d like? Have you finally decided to get down to a healthful weight and keep it there? Then it’s time to swear off fad diets for good. For decades, most nutrition professionals have told us over and over that weight depends on calories in and calories out. To achieve and maintain a healthful weight, in…

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Juicing Beets Recipes

This is my article dedicated to juicing beets recipes. Frankly, I love the things, and I really find, I don’t know if it’s just me, but every time I feel tired or I feel a cold coming on, juicing beets really helps me. Maybe it’s a placebo thing. I don’t care. I’m making an article especially for that special vegetable…

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Why Do You Need Raw Juice Therapy

When I was a kid, my mom used to make me different kinds of juices like orange, tomato, and carrot juices. I always like them until now as they do increase the appetite. But, I wasn’t sure about the benefits until one day, when I got older; I saw my aunt consumed so many juices everyday. I noticed that this…

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The Perfect Meal To Boost Your Health

Good nutrition is vital to a strong and healthy mind and body. It’s true what they say – you are what you eat. This statement points out very effectively that if you feed your body with low nutritional and sugary garbage, your body has nothing to work with and you’ll end up eventually feeling like garbage. On the other hand,…

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