
Spiders Have Special Benefits But Beware Of That Bite

Many Americans warmly welcome four-legged friends into their homes, but few are comfortable when creatures with eight legs wander in from outside. Even though they make you shriek, some spiders play a positive role around your home by preying on other pests. For some homeowners, their contributions to reducing unwanted insects far outweigh the fear they evoke. “Many household spiders…

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Are We Humans Really The Masters Of This Planet

Are we humans beings really the masters of this planet? Do we have the authority to self-righteously assume global dominance? The following article is my view to the questions. It is certainly not definitive. It is just an expression of my own thoughts and opinions. In my opinion, perhaps we should not assume that our species is central to the…

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Transitional Fossils

Transitional fossils, or the supposed lack thereof, has been used for many years by anti-evolutionists to argue against evolution. Here, I will explain what a transitional fossil is, and why it is not valid as an argument against evolution. A transitional fossil shows the evolutionary development from one species to another. For example, if organism 1 existed 70 million years…

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Handy Tips For Bass Fishing

Fishing different species of fish requires different techniques and tools. Generally it can be divided into fresh water and sea fishing and some species from the same family of fish live in the sea while others thrive in fresh water. An example of this is Bass fishing. Bass fishing is undeniably one of the most sought after and wildly popular…

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How To Choose The Best Fishing Lures

The development of different types of lures, meant for catching various species of fish owes its origin to the evolution of fishing gear, accessories and the progression of the bass fishing industry A wide range of different types or classes of lures has flooded the market. All of them depend on the particular species of fish for which they have…

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Worms Elongated

A worm is an “elongated” invertebrate soft-bodied animal. The most widely known of all worms is the earthworm. The earthworm is a member of phylum Annelida. A side from that famous worm there are hundreds of thousands of different species of worms that live in a huge array of differet habitats. Major worm categories include: Acanthocephala – spiny headed worms…

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Wonderful South African Safaris

Oh the beautiful South Africa. Endowed with rich tapestry of culture, vast lands, unequalled safaris…South Africa is truly a place for one who wants to reconnect with nature. South African safaris are home to wide spectrum of animal species including the celebrated group of five: the buffalo, rhino, lion, elephant and leopard. They were not named so because they have…

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