
Make English Friends

Try to locate a person in your school or area that is a fluent speaker of English, and ask that individual to meet with you on a regular basis in order to practice your English. You will have the chance to ask this native speaker questions about English grammar and pronunciation, while speaking about issues that both of you have…

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Self Improvement

Communicating On The Telephone

One of the most common things we do on a day to day basis is communicate with other people. Good communication can lead to a better understanding of people and perhaps more importantly, allowing others to fully understand us. This is especially important in business. Communication means have changed dramatically over the years, with the introduction of modern telecommunications such…

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Learning Italian Like Children

Similar to children, acquiring a second language can start from other people you hear speaking a different language. As adults, when we are exposed to something we hear everyday, no matter how strange it is from our own language, we gain an understanding of it and eventually become exposed to it. Even to the extent of using the language without…

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Public Speaking

Public Speaking Why All The Fuss

When asked, the majority of people in the US would claim that there greatest fear is getting up in front of a crowd and giving a speech. People 100 years ago would not say that public speaking was their worst fear, but they had more threatening things to worry about right? I’m talking about things like war, and wild animals,…

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Easy Tips To Land A Job Speaking In Public

You can make it easy if you really want to. Although there are those who would give the usual advice of attending a meeting with the famous Toastmasters in order to hone your impromptu speaking skills, this is not as necessary as being aware of yourself and the skills you could objectively define as good, better, best, or needs improvement.…

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Public Speaking Lessons

The benefits of communication are evident from the least sophisticated creatures to the most advanced as in humans. Perhaps, among the creatures especially endowed with the power of communication, humans make use of them more intensely and with a purpose that each speech made has had some effect on the people who hears them. Not only do humans use communication…

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Time Management

After Dinner Speaking Hero Or Coward

During my time as Chairman of Forum, the Public Speaking Group of the Australian Institute of Management, I have often been asked about speaking after dinner. Before I discuss this opportunity, I want you to think back to a time when you were at a dinner event and the speaker came on. How did you and your party react? Did…

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Speaking Spanish In Spain

One of the best ways to experience a Spanish speaking country is to be able to understand what is being said around you. So, why not learn Spanish? It’s not as difficult as it may sound. You can actually learn to speak Spanish from the comfort of you own home with your personal computer as your teacher. Luckily, there are…

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Travel To Spain For Language Immersion Programs

Learning to speak Spanish is very beneficial today, particularly if you will be spending time in Spanish speaking countries whether for business or pleasure. One of the most convenient ways is learning Spanish online. There are several method options available, and many online programs allow you to learn without ever leaving your home. The money spent and time invested will…

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