
Salt Vs Sodium Chloride

If there were a top-10 list of minerals that have gotten a bad rap, sodium would be close to the top of that list. There are numerous reports and articles that malign this mineral to the point that people try desperately to rid it completely from their diet. This is dangerous. Your body requires a certain amount of sodium to…

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Living Naturally Natural Health And Skincare

Today’s lifestyle leaves us open to a daily chemical assault, from the air we breathe to the water we drink, and the skincare and haircare products we use on a daily basis. It is not known what the long-term effects of these chemicals will be, but one thing’s for sure, it can’t be good. Some people are unaware of the…

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The Best Diet For High Blood Pressure

If your nurse or doctor measures your blood pressure at 140/90 then you suffer from hypertension. Many adults and even some children have high blood pressure. It is very important to get proper treatment to control your high blood pressure. Diet for high blood pressure patients has to be healthy since along with medications and exercises a balanced diet can…

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Four Drug Free Ways To Lower Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the force of blood against the walls of the arteries, the vessels that carry blood away from the heart. It is normal for your blood pressure to fluctuate during the day. When it stays high, you have high blood pressure, or hypertension. This increased pressure puts a strain on your heart that could lead to a heart…

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How To Know If You Are Eating Too Much Salt

For most of us, eating healthfully means cutting down on salt. Even if cutting down your salt intake won’t reduce your waist measurement, it’ll make you a healthier person, better able to follow your weight management programme. But it’s not that simple. Have you ever been confused by the nutritional labels on food? Salt or sodium, what’s the different? Salt…

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Health Fitness

Did You Know That Excess Salt Is Harmful

Salt (sodium) plays an important role in the regulation of muscle contraction, fluid balance and nerve impulses in the human body and it is essential for overall good health. All our body fluids including blood, sweat, tears, etc contain sodium. It is essential to maintain proper balance of sodium in these fluids. Sodium in the body is mainly found in…

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Health Fitness

Caution Hidden Sodium Inside Common Processed Foods

When food tastes quite bland, a sprinkling of table salt usually does the trick. Instantly, it perks up the flavor of the dish. But salt is not just for seasoning. It is also essential to maintaining good health. The human body needs a good balance of salt and water for metabolism. This careful balance between salt and water regulates the…

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