Health Fitness

Quit Smoking Laser Therapy By Nguang Nguek Fluek

There are a lot of alternatives that heavy smokers may use in order to help them give up their vice. Low-level laser treatments are one of the most modern and efficient way to deal with nicotine withdrawal from the organism after giving up smoking. Some information is required before deciding to try this method. How Does Laser Therapy Work? Quit…

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Time Management

Smoking Cannabis Is Considered Addictive

Marijuana or cannabis is a plant that can induce hallucinations in an individual. During the 1970s, smoking cannabis became extremely popular and many people ended up addicted to it. Just like smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol, people who have cannabis addiction experience emotions like depression, anxiety and sadness. By smoking cannabis, they feel better about themselves. It becomes an escape…

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Health Fitness

Smoking 4 Reasons Of Why You Should Quit

Knowing the reasons of why you want to quit is an important fist step. Being clear about your reasons, can be a very powerful tool. You have probably seen many articles, telling you how to quit smoking, but without a proper motivation, they are useless. That is why instead of telling you what to do, I will tell you why…

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Vitamins And Smoking Cessation

If you have recently quit smoking, or if you are getting ready to embark on a smoking cessation program – congratulations! You have taken the first steps to improved health and a longer, happier life. Years of smoking can take quite a toll on your physiology and appearance. Among other things, excessive smoking causes the production of harmful free radicals…

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Alternative Medicine

Instantly Quit Smoking With Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a highly effective quit smoking method for all, and specially for those people who had been unsuccessful with other methods to stop smoking. People who go for acupuncture treatments are usually keen on quit smoking beliefs. Although they have failed with all previous programs, this 3500 years old Chinese remedy promises quick relief from chronic smoking habits. Acupuncture…

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Time Management

Craving To Smoke

The time a person starts to smoke he/she is actually calling for trouble. For many people smoking has become an addiction and they shell out a lot of money for smoking and this doesn’t help anyone’s cause. You might have got into smoking for any reason; it can be due to your friend circle where you thought smoking is a…

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Health Fitness

Deadly Connection Between Cigarette Smoking And Back Pain

Cigarette smoking has been strongly linked to a number of serious health conditions like heart disease, emphysema, lung cancer, and other cardiovascular ailments. This habit is responsible for nearly 440,000 of more than 2.4 million premature deaths in the United States and is one of the leading causes of death around the world. The effects of cigarette smoking has been…

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