Time Management


Smile right now! Regardless of what is going on in your life I want you to smile. Smile big. Smile goofy. Smile a smile that spreads from your lips to your entire face and eyes, even your neck, shoulders, and scalp. Just smile! Let me talk to you about choices for a moment. Each moment we have a choice about…

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Are Friends Happy Being With You

We all have different style of talking, laughing, smiling, responding and communicating. Some of us are a comfort for others. We enjoy being with some people and we don’t enjoy some people. What is the difference between these persons? Why one persons presence enlivens the gathering an other person dulls it? What are the qualities needed to make one self…

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Koh Samui Airport

On the small tropical island of Koh Samui off the eastern seaboard of Thailand there exists what has got to be the quaintest little airport on the planet. Why is that? Well, for starters every building on the airport complex is entirely thatched over with palm leaves and not many airports can claim that can they? In the main public…

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Tips For A Relaxing Wedding Day

Although a lot of wedding magazines and planning books will tell you that the bride needs to relax a lot on the wedding day, let’s not forget about the groom either. Ways to relax when you don’t think that you can The unfortunate part of getting married is that you will be pulled in many different directions on and leading…

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Self Improvement

When You Re Smiling

” Smile , it is the key that fits the lock of everybody’s heart.” Anthony J. D’Angelo Back from Florida ahead of Hurricane Wilma, I asked my teenage son what he thought I should write about this time and he said ‘doughnuts’. I explained that although I found the topic an intriguing one (my mind immediately leaping to how I…

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11 Great Reasons Why Smiling Makes Us More Successful

First: Our smile shows others people that we are friendly. If a stranger approached you and gained eye contact with you and then treated you to a broad smile you will have a fairly good idea that they are being friendly and certainly mean you no harm. By contrast we would find it far more difficult to offer trust to…

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Top 10 Flirting Tips

You don’t have to look like Mel Gibson or Pamela Anderson to get members of the opposite sex to go weak at the knees. All you need is great smile and follow the few simple tips we have put together for you below and they will be attracted to you like paparazzi to a movie star. 1) EYE CONTACT Create…

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