Reference Education

Michigan Schools Taking Direction From Governor Granholm

Governor Jennifer M. Granholm has a vision for the state of Michigan and the Michigan schools. In 2005, the Cherry Commission on Higher Education recommended that the state must double its number of college graduates in order to compete economically. Granholm took this recommendation and developed her small high school initiative for the Michigan schools. She believes that smaller high…

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Web Hosting

Binkys And Bling Specialty Pacifiers

Childless people always swear they will never us a pacifier. When you see a baby with the funny shaped plug attached to their face scream the second it’s pulled away or hear a dentist talk about what can happen to teeth after long term use, you think pacifiers must be made by the devil. But once the baby booties are…

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The Key To Your Motivation And Success

What sets successful people apart from the pack? Is it luck, money, good lucks, and/or talent? No, it is one small simple fact — motivation. People who are successful all share one trait — they are motivated. Of course, motivation really isn’t simple at all. That is why there is multi-billion industry focused on self-help books, tapes, seminars, camps, and…

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Transforming Ohio Schools

Ohio Public Schools have undergone significant changes since 2004 due to the Ohio High School Transformation Initiative (OHSTI). This is a plan that replaced the Ohio Schools’ massive and ineffective high schools with almost 60 smaller schools. The funding for this effort came from a number of both government and private sponsors. The Problems with Ohio Schools Ohio Schools are…

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Recreation Sports

Electric Scooters For The Physically Disabled

A scooter is one cool and chic motorcycle to ride on…for normal people, that is. I mean, it won’t do for physically impaired individuals, would it? But the imagination and creativity of the modern man had paved way for a scooter that handicaps can enjoy in far distance travels. Yes, handicaps can actually ‘drive’ a scooter-like vehicle, which is referred…

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Digital Products

Home Theater Ideas For Small Rooms

Just because you have a small room does not mean that you can’t enjoy the Lord of the Rings Trilogy or any other feature film that is best viewed on the latest in home theater advancements. You can bring all the qualities of the home theater system into a smaller apartment, or even enjoy the full effect in your bedroom,…

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Keeping Hot On Winter Vacations

For many who live in areas that see a lot of snow in the wintertime, it is a time of year that they try to stay inside as much as possible and avoid the elements. However, what if the elements were not so cold? Just because it is winter in one region does not mean it is winter everywhere else!…

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History Of The Pomeranian

Pomeranian is a big name for a big dog. As huge as thirty pounds, the Pomeranian has been said to be very similar to the wolf Spitz in weight, hide and hair. This is not surprising since the Pomeranian originated from the bloodline of the Spitz dogs. The Spitz’s are from Ireland and Lapland and were sled dogs. The dog…

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Solve Problems With A Word List

To creatively solve problems you need to get your mind looking in new directions. You can systematically do this by using a list of words, primarily adjectives, to create “what if?” scenarios. You start with the question, “what if it was…” and then insert a word from the list. The “it” in the question is the problem you’re trying to…

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