
Chase Online Banking

Chase online banking is a small business’s most useful financial resource. Most small businesses start with a great idea. The person behind the idea feels confident that the idea is sound and that there’s a demand. He or she then sets out to turn the idea into the latest must-have craze. What many small business owners don’t know a lot…

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Wealth Building

For Your Health Self Employed Health Insurance

One of the major hassles of being self employed is the need to find an affordable health insurance plan that doesn’t break the bank as you’re trying to keep your own business running successfully. With all the articles and news casts about the ever rising costs of health care, the thought of finding an appropriate insurance policy that is also…

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Customer Service

Why You Need An Answering Service

The integral role played by the telephone as a business communication tool accounts for the growing importance of answering service businesses. All businesses, whether a physician’s private practice, a small construction company, or a conglomerate, rely on the telephone as one of the fastest and most reliable communication tool in their businesses. Anyone with a busy schedule and a telephone…

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Health Fitness

Norplant Birth Control Implant

Among the many birth control methods available today all across U.S., one method is steadily gaining popularity — birth control implants. Norplant is a form of birth control that was developed by the Population Council in Finland in 1983. Their manufacturer, Leiras Oy Pharmaceuticals, made an implant that consists of a set of six small silicone capsules. Each capsule contains…

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Virginia Tuna Fishing

“I wasn’t quite expecting this” was the remark from our angler as we fitted him to the harness and urged him to be patient as the bluefin steadily took line off the reel, with no sign of stopping. We had pushed hard to be among the first boats to set lines off the Virginia coast on this overcast July morning.…

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Weight Loss

Is Losing Weight Via Gastric Bypass For Everyone

Gastric bypass surgery is not about losing weight the easy way and looking good, the operation is about improving health. There are several types of gastric bypass procedures, but all of them involve bypassing part of the small bowel by greater or lesser degrees. Surgical options Gastric bypass procedures involve constructing a gastric pouch whose outlet is a Y-shaped limb…

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Almond Almonds Everywhere

More people are calling almonds their favorite nut-and they are putting their almonds where their mouths are. Over the past six years, American almond consumption has increased by 11 percent per year. From roasted and seasoned almonds in creative, portable packaging to almond granola bars, energy bars and breakfast bars to entrees and vegetable dishes, almonds are found in a…

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