Product Reviews

Totes Isotoner Men S Terry Slippers

The names “Totes” and “Isotoner” have gained a certain exclusive ring to the products bearing these names. Umbrellas, gloves, rainwear, rubber footware, and slippers are products that are produced by the Cincinnati, Ohio based Totes Isotoner Corporation. Over the years, I have owned Totes Isotoner umbrellas, gloves, as well as a pair of Terry Men’s Slippers. The latter product is…

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What Should I Get Mom For Mother S Day

I remember when I was a little boy in school; we would make our mom’s a silly little art project for Mother’s day. You know, a baby food jar with construction paper on it and a tissue paper flower. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am sure mom loved that little home made gift. And most mothers probably still have…

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Internet Business

Buying Slippers Online Can Be Risky

These are strange new times. No longer do we need to actually send mail, get cash, pay bills with a check, or worry about getting lost thanks to recent advances in technology. In most cases, we need not even go to the store in order to buy the things we need. But when it comes to things like slippers, how…

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