
Sled Dog Breeds The Fleet Of Foot

Sled dog breeds are characterized by endurance, strength, and intelligence. They are usually medium to larger dogs, with a very muscular build, and have helped mankind transport supplies in times before the automobile. Nowadays, sled dog breeds are found as pets, as well as trained to participate in sled dog racing. Sled dogs were developed to withstand very low temperatures.…

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Alaskan Malamute The Nordic Sled Dog

The Alaskan Malamute is a medium-large to large dog that weighs between 70-95 pounds and measures up to 25″. They are best known as sled dogs and are used to hard work. They ideal for cold climates or homes that will keep them cool and hydrated in hot summers. The Alaskan Malamute has a thick, coarse outer coat and wooly,…

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