
Pueraria Mirifica Thai Herbs Many Medicinal Purposes

If knowledge is power, then after you have finished this article, you will be feel like Mighty Man when this subject is brought up in casual conversation. Our seek on Pueraria Mirifica ongoing in 1991 and on Butea Superba quickly after that. Pueraria Mirifica or pallid Kwao Krua is a herbal lodge that has long been worn in Thailand and…

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Womens Issues

Tanning Bed Burns

You have used the tanning bed before. You enjoyed the experience. And of course, you like the tan. But, when you used the tanning bed again, you ended up having sore and burned skin. You have acquired a side effect called “tanning bed burns”. You are not the only who has experienced this. Some tanning bed burns make the skin…

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Home Improvement

Shower Heads Women Vs Men

First let me tell you that this article was NOT intended to be humorous at all. It was simply meant to be an informational piece about shower heads and what people preferred. The more I investigated the more I found there were huge differences between what men want vs. what women want in shower head. The more men and women…

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Health Fitness

Face Some Facts On Sensitive Skin Care

Does your skin react quickly to both heat and cold? Does it easily fall prey to sunburn and windburn? Or is your skin usually dry, delicate, and prone to allergic reactions? Do some detergents, cosmetics, and alcohol irritate your skin? If you answered yes to all those questions, then you probably have very sensitive skin. The skin is subject to…

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Understanding The Different Types Of Acne

Though all pimples form the same way, they often take on different shapes and characteristics, and react differently on different people. Acne is formed when a hair follicle becomes clogged and what is called a comedo is formed. As the follicle becomes clogged with more oil, the comedo becomes larger, inflaming the skin around the area and forming what we…

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Vitiligo Treatment Options

Vitiligo is a skin condition affecting the body’s production of melanin in the skin, which causes white patches of skin on the body. There is no known cure for vitiligo, but the symptoms may be treated using various methods. One treatment for vitiligo involves photo therapy, or treatment using light. With this method, ultraviolet rays are used to stimulate the…

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Health Fitness

Stay Youthful The Latest Trends

Well, time machine non-withstanding, science is helping us find the secrets of eternal youth, telling us how the body can rejuvenate on its own. What better way than to start with something as natural as the body itself? What you eat It’s no secret that what you eat can dramatically improve your health, but what you choose to put in…

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Cystic Acne Treatment The Whole Truth

Cystic acne break-outs can be painful and lead to deep scarring. Some dermatologists consider it to be the most severe kind because topical medications do not get to the root of the problem. It heals extremely slowly because it is so deep that the infection is trapped under the skin. Cystic acne treatment is usually limited to oral medication so…

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Womens Issues

Questions And Answers About Tanning Oils

Tanning oil has long been used by sun worshippers and beach bunnies looking for a way to get a dark, even tan. However, there are quite a few myths about tanning oil, and it can be difficult for consumers to sort out the facts from the fiction. There are many people who erroneously believe that tanning oil offers them protection…

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Health Fitness

Is Eye Sty Harmful

A sty is a pimple or abscess that forms in either the upper or lower eyelid. The medical term for sty is hordeolum(say HOR-dee-oh-lumm) and it is an infection caused by bacteria that normally live peacefully on the eyelid skin surface. Some of thee germs get trapped along with dead skin cells inside crypts along the eyelid margin. Stys are…

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