
The Whole Truth About Acne Medication

Most people will suffer from acne at some point in their life. Everyone’s skin condition and chemistry are different so there can be no set remedy to prevent or clear existing acne. The good news is that it can be treatable. People make the mistake of letting it run its course, thinking they will outgrow it. Sometimes that is just…

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Womens Issues

Stretch Marks Due To Rapid Skin Growth

It is caused mainly when a person gains weight and the skin grows rapidly causing stretch marks. Even though our skin happens to be very elastic overstretching may lead to stretch marks. It usually happens at the time of puberty when girls and boys body go through a speedy change, during pregnancy or when you happen to gain or lose…

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Health Fitness

Tough Skin Care For Health Buffs

Playing sports is a great way to keep a person physically fit and healthy. There are numerous indoor and outdoor activities that can help improve a person’s strength, stamina, and endurance. Runners, cyclists, swimmers, triathletes, marathoners, skiers, and other outdoor fanatics are all exposed to the sun, the wind, the cold and chlorinated water more than people who are sedentary.…

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Put Your Best Face Forward Tips For Healthier Skin

Acne may have shown its true colors in your teenage years when hormones kicked in, or in your adult years when stress became a way of life. Either way, this condition can seem impossible to manage at times. But there are ways to help prevent and treat it. Here are some tips to encourage healthier skin and help stop acne…

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Learn The Art Of Sugaring

How sweet it is! Sugaring is a process that is similar to waxing, but the ingredients are different. Sugaring gets it name from the fact that wax is replaced with a mixture of sugar and honey. The resulting goo sticks to the hairs and not to the skin. In the end, you still end up ripping out you hair by…

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Time Management

Oily Skin How You Get It

Oily skin is a phenomenon that tens of thousands of different people living in the world are familiar with and probably hundreds of thousands more might not even realize they have. If you have oily skin, then there are a number of ways that it can be treated but before you treat it, figuring out the cause of the symptom…

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Why Laser Hair Removal

For nearly 10 years now, medical lasers have been used for such things as tattoo removal, clearing up acne scars and other blemishes, and removing dark spots on the skin. Now they are increasing being approved by the FDA and used for such things as wrinkle removal, tooth whitening, and hair removal. Is it really permanent? Many laser hair removal…

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B Vitamins And Acne

How do all the B vitamins (b5, b6, b12, etc.) help acne? Unlike the other acne fighting vitamins that have been mentioned, the B Vitamins are unique. The B Vitamins include many different vitamins that are all clumped together both in their name and usually in how they are taken. B Vitamin supplements almost always come in a B Complex…

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Aha S For Normalizing Combination Skin

Often the biggest frustration for those with combination skin is caring for it properly. Having both dry and oily skin areas on your face can make skin care seem almost impossible. There are, however, things that you can do to care for and keep your combination skin healthy and feeling good. For one thing, some areas of your face may…

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Tummy Tuck Surgery At A Glance

The tummy tuck, known as abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure in which excess fat and skin is removed from the abdomen. This procedure can make a major improvement to the looks of anyone who has protruding abdominal muscles, as it will help tighten the muscles in the abdomen. Tummy tucks have become quite common for both men and women alike,…

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