Web Design

Why You Should Avoid Developing A Website In Flash

If you know anything about website design, or anything about the Internet in general, then you have probably heard of flash. There are actually lots of websites and advertisements online that utilize flash and some web designers are claiming that Flash is the future of the Internet and web design. However, currently there are more reasons to avoid developing a…

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How To Avoid Scams And Fraud

People who are eager to start a home business are often new to the Internet and filled with hope. Unfortunately, that can make them easy prey for con artists. The lure of easy money can serve as a difficult lesson for those who fall for it. If you are looking at job opportunities online, it’s important to watch out for…

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Web Hosting

10 Beneficial Reasons For Submitting Articles To E Zines

1. You’ll brand your web site, business and yourself by submitting articles to e-zines. Introduce yourself in your article. Haven’t you ever read an article and wondered half way through it who is selling the product? It’s a big turn off. You could include your name, business name, your credentials, web site address and e-mail address in your resource box.…

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Web Hosting

3 Criteria For Ranking Article Directory Sites

Article marketing is becoming more popular as webmasters realize the value in their content. Because of article marketing’s popularity, there are literally thousands of article directories all over the internet, with new ones being launched every day. Today, finding the right article directory can seem to be a daunting task. So, the question becomes, how do you determine which article…

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Traffic Generation

The Secret Of How To Get Noticed By Google

I remember when I created my first web site. I designed it, published it and then waited expectantly for Google to list it in their page rankings. Of course, I didn’t expect to be up at the top of the listings but I did think I would be there somewhere. After several days the disappointment began to set in. I…

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Web Hosting

How To Build A List With Ebay

Ebooks are not the way to make money on eBay, as glutted as the eBay market is with them. But, there is still money to be made with them if you know how to work the system. Selling an ebook on the site subjects you to intense competition, many times by people selling the exact same product for a dollar…

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The Indispensable Qualities Of Professional Copywriter

Whatever industry you operate in and whatever web site you have, it indispensable that the content on your web site is written easy-to read, appealing and attractive style. Your potential customers will visit your web site and judge both you and your company by the information presented on your web site. It might be enough to have appealing content in…

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Web Design

Critical Web Design Rules

Content is King! If you want a website to generate back-links and have quality content the search engines love, be sure to make it readable by both people and search engines. Search engines are working to give people quality results. Thus, they are looking for sites with quality content. So by building site content for people, not only are you…

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