Health Fitness

Asthma And Sinusitis Awareness

Today, asthma and sinusitis are increasing in frequency and morbidity. When a person has asthma, the patients and his family’s cooperation are very important. Parents must keep an eye on the complex treatment that includes pills, inhalers and exercises. If there is poor medical service, asthma and sinusitis are likely to get worse. Asthmatic children have higher risk of getting…

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Alternative Medicine

Hysteric About Headache

Headaches are one of the most common health grievances of students, adults and even children, Headaches are very common and usually do not point to a serious illness. But even a mild headache can disrupt your daily activities What actually happens in your body to cause headache? The skull bones and brain tissues do not have pain sensitive nerve fibers.…

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Health Fitness

Cool Ways To Combat The Common Cold

Yes, it’s that time of year again-cold season. The typical cold is an upper respiratory infection that can be caused by more than 200 different viruses. Symptoms include sinus pressure, nasal congestion, headaches, body aches and sometimes fever and cough. Recent statistics have shown that adults average two to four colds a year, which amounts to one billion colds nationwide.…

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Disease Illness

Sinus Infection Symptoms What Should You Look For

Is it a sinus infection or a common cold? Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish the difference. Infection or inflammation of the sinuses also known as sinusitis affects millions of people every year and in many instances causes serious discomfort or pain. The symptoms of sinus infections actually depend upon which of the four sinuses are affected and whether…

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Health Fitness

When Your Cold Is More Than Just A Cold

Sometimes you may think that you only have a simple cold. But oftentimes symptoms of your cold begin to worsen and persist for weeks and pain is felt in the sinus region. If the cold is left untreated, excessive mucus may drip down to the back of the throat or in the sinus cavities that can result to a sinus…

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Alternative Medicine

The Truth About Soap

When you step into the market to pick up a bar of soap, what is it you’re really buying? Phrases like “beauty bar, deodorant bar, moisturizing bar,” and the list goes on and on, is only telling you one thing, you are not buying soap. What you are purchasing is a petroleum based detergent product. Soap, by definition, is a…

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Exploring The Many Cures For Headaches

Many people get headaches as a response to physical strain, cramped muscles, and pinches nerves. These muscular headaches can be brutal, and are usually reoccurring to a very persistent degree. Usually, there is some level of tightness in or soreness in the area the muscle strain is occurring, like your neck or back area. Because your nerves in that region…

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Health Fitness

Six Ways To Sidestep A Sinus Infection This Winter

It’s winter cold season, and lately everyone seems to have a case of the sniffles. A cold is no fun, but it’s even worse when it turns into a sinus infection. Help yourself boot the sniffles early by learning what causes a sinus infection, and how you can help your body prevent one. Colds and allergies increase the risk of…

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Health Fitness

Avoid Bad Breath

Bad breath can be a serious issue. No one wants to be known as having bad breath. However, brushing regularly and mouthwash may not always be effective. Here are some tips about avoiding bad breath. If you are suffering from bad breath, brushing and rinsing your mouth may not be an effective remedy. There are many reasons why people have…

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Disease Illness

Knowing Sinusitis And How To Deal With It

Sinusitis to our knowledge is very common for most people. Even though being such a common problem it tends to cause too much trouble. There are three types of sinusitis which affects our life Acute, Subacute and Chronic. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinus membrane which can either be infectious or non-infectious. Sinusitis means that sinuses get affected due…

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