Food Beverage

Amuse Bouche Find Out About This Hot Trend In Entertaining

Amuse-bouche is becoming the hottest trend in foods and entertaining. If you enjoy offering your guests interesting fare that always gets raves you should consider learning about the seduction of amuse-bouche. WHAT IS AMUSE-BOUCHE? The word amuse-bouche is a french expression, literally translated “mouth-amuser”. And no wonder – amuse-bouche are snappy, single bite creations which combine intense taste sensations in…

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Time Management

Mastering Money

Challenges make you discover things about yourself that you never really knew. –Cicely Tyson One of the cardinal rules about Mastering Money is that our income MUST be greater than our outgo. In simple words, spend less than you earn. The way to initiate is to keep track of every cent that comes into or goes out of our life.…

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Mens Issues

Sterol Cholesterol

A delicate combination of steroid and alcohol, Cholesterol, also a combination of a lipid that is found in cell membranes of all of our body tissues. Cholesterol is also transported in the blood of all animals. You might derive that the name cholestral comes from the simple combination of the words alcohol and steroid however it actually dates back to…

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7 Surprisingly Quick And Easy Ways To Feel Happier

All of us have days when we’re out of sorts. You just wish you were in a better mood. You’ve had days like that, haven’t you? Perhaps you tried to get yourself into a better state of mind but struggled to achieve it. Sometimes we get stuck in our own emotional dumps and forget how easy it is to feel…

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Home Security

The Basics Of Home Security

Every homeowner needs to be active and aware of their home security concerns. With home invasions and break-ins on the rise, it is time to take some steps towards protecting your family and your valuable belongings. It would surprise most people to realize how simple it is for a burglar to break into their home. By following these simple steps,…

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Self Improvement

Brain Exercises

Some brain exercises can be as simple as an intelligent conversation or reading something new. Others can be more involved, like doing crossword puzzles or solving lateral thinking puzzles. Here are some general brain exercises you can do anywhere, followed by a few ideas for exercising specific areas of brain function. Some Simple Brain Exercises An entertaining brain exercise is…

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Interior Design

How To Give A Room A New Look On A Budget

As a homeowner, you don’t need to have a large budget to give your home a remodel look straight out of the home and garden magazines. Any motivated do it yourselfer can redecorate a room and have it looking sleek and fashionable for under $1000. Remodeling with a budget in mind not only saves you money, but also increases the…

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Arts Entertainment

Minimising The Chaos What To Pack For College

As your teen embarks on their college adventures the excitement; apprehension and general chaos can be distracting. The process of your child leaving home for the first time is daunting. You want them to be prepared for their college experience. Being prepared is much more than just knowing what to pack for college. In order for the transition to be…

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Real Estate

Stopping Foreclosure Phase 2

Type in stop foreclosure on any search box on the web and you no doubt will query a string of articles that highlight ways you can negotiate with you lenders, restructure you loans, and usually get things worked out. In a perfect world this would always work, in fact in a perfect world you wouldn’t have to worry about foreclosure…

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Web Hosting

Who S The Best Domain Registrar

It’s almost to the point where it’s literally, a dime a dozen. Domain registrars are the companies that hold a database of domain names and the detailed information about the domains. For example: “” would have the following attributes in the database: -website IP address (can be the registrar or a third party hosting company) -A records (friendly name, i.e.…

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