
Elegant Entertaining Without Breaking The Bank

Good news for the next time you’re considering hosting a party. You don’t have to feel dizzy, overwhelmed and full of questions: I don’t have a creative bone in my body-how will I decorate without spending a fortune? What will I serve? You can relax and take a deep breath. Here are a few hints on how to create an…

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Family Budget

Budget Like Mom

Budgeting is truly the turf of most mothers. Aside from the traditional role imposed on mothers as the one who budgets the family finances, mothers have the instincts and foresights on what might happen in the future. But how do moms really stretch the budget? She neither uses complicated formulas nor magic tricks but simple ingenuity and common sense. Peek…

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A Few Dilemmas Of The Writing Journey

Authoring as a Risk-Taking Endeavor Being an unpublished novelist poses all sorts of dilemmas. Writing is entrepreneurial in nature, more than most people realize, and it is fraught with make or break decisions. Which side of the political spectrum do you show yourself? Do you embellish this or that social issue, perhaps the one most fashionable, or do you hide…

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Web Hosting

Life S Precious Moments

As Forrest Gump innocently said in the movie, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.” Simple as it sounds, this is a fact and a reality we have to face. Quite often, I believe many of us may think how life can be so unfair to us and to other people. Here we…

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Health Fitness

Top Five Treatments As Back Pain Relief

The back is indeed one of the most functional part of a person’s body. Everyone basically needs to rely on their backs as the central workforce of the human body, for it is very important in almost all bodily movements and functions. Functional as it is, the back, however, is also very susceptible to pains and injuries. Back pain can…

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Low Carb Cooking

Around the world people are paying more attention to their bodies and their health than perhaps at any other time in history. One method that has shown great success in helping people quickly drop those unwanted pounds is through low carb cooking and dieting. This method of weight loss seems to have taken the world by storm promising quick results…

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Health Fitness

Why Most Cocaine Rehab Programs Fail

There are a multitude of reasons why anyone would try cocaine. However, when one experiences the emotional ‘euphoria’ provided by cocaine, as with most illicit drugs, the reason anyone would continue to use cocaine is typically the same for all as the drug provides an escape from the pressures and failures of life. This is the path most everyone follows…

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